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Everything posted by Universe

  1. No, what I'm saying if they didn't score, they would have played a whole different system. Every time we get a lead we play the exactly what you saw from two goals on....so sad.
  2. The NBA screwed up in Canada. They should have done it the way the MLS handled it by placing it in Toronto and wait for Canada to follow. If Vancouver was to get a team say five years ago, I believe the chances of Montreal getting a team would be high to have that Canadian rivalry but they put Vancouver in before Canadians got to experince the NBA. As for Montreal getting a team now, the chances of sucsess are quite low. Canadiens popularity is actually growing in the city after it went downhill in the 90's so putting in an NBA team just wouldn't make sense season wise.
  3. When will Martin learn. 80% of teams that score first win the game yet we must have the most blown leads in the NHL. Why do we play third period defense in the second when we are dominanting the game just to allow them to come back? Blows my mind how he does this every game and ruin easy wins.
  4. He has great hockey knowledge and top of the line sources but sometimes you get caught talking out of your [expletive] to make something relevent and that's what he was doing. Must have been a slow Maple Leaf day.
  5. I think he's injured but find it funny that we actually get a decent PF and don't even use him.
  6. Mono happened. Really strong start but his body is slowing down. He's not wanting contact so hopefully he can get some rest.
  7. Gotta love the TO media. Darren Dreger states that Carey Price is unhappy in Montreal because he threw the game puck to the crowd....what he doesn't know is it happens every game. Watch 81 Leafs games and 1 Canadiens game and you are an expert.
  8. The text of it doesn't do it justice since it's amazing watching him say it. Poor Elisha.
  9. ".....I got my two Stanley Cup rings plugging my ears." Famous quote!
  10. Unless it's a cop car, you are fine.
  11. 10 Canadians on New York Rangers. Fail.
  12. I'll take you up on that offer if you promise me no mustard, ketchup or anything else thrown at me.
  13. I actually like Richards and really have nothing against him. He just made a stupid statement but it doesn't take anything away from his game. You seem like a Flyers fanboy which is fine too but rather than worrying about jersey colours, just take in the excitment...especailly PK.
  14. Your speaking like you know the situation more than it is and you don't either. The smarter play on Richards end would have kept his mouth shut because 1) He said he did the same thing. Elias told him off and he went back to earth. Elias never had to make it public. 2) When you are captain of a team with Dan Carcillio, you shouldn't talk about respecting others in the league. 3) It happened on the ice. Anyways it's done but unlike you, I don't see a very exciting game Monday as Montreal has zero fighters and the risk of injury is too high for this thin roster but we shall see!
  15. It's called trash talking. Nobody likes it when your losing hense why he went out and made some stupid comments which is exactly the reason he runs his mouth in the first place. Predicting an injury to a player because he is confident in his game is a huge low blow but like you said, we will never know what he actually said.
  16. Another great defensive game with the shutout. They played the Richards tape talking about PK Subban and all I heard was whinning. Some people should just not talk after losses because it just makes them look stupid. Sure PK is cocky and he's not suddenly changed his personality entering the league. He has a classy response to Richards comments then gets blasted by Don Cherry, the ultimate Hab hater.
  17. They seem pretty pro Flyers and not very educated at that as well. Do you guys have like the Sixers/Flyers/Eagles channels? I noticed a lot of the cities have those and they can be absolutely funny to listen too. I guess I'm lucky because I only hear the Montreal hate since I mute the french bias.
  18. I actually am. Is this Versus a Flyers feed? I'm not familiar with the stations.
  19. He's played that good his entire career so hopefully this means he's finally entered the NHL I hope. Bobs looks pretty good too. As for the game, gotta love them like this. Nice easy wins that boost confidence huge for Carey are great without our best player. You either sulk or win and they decided to win.
  20. I like the team having different people stepping up each night. Rod Thorn (or Bobby Marks?) put together a nice group this off-season.
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