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Everything posted by Universe

  1. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eCiGTzhWTsA
  2. God damn, Jordan Eberle just destroyed.
  3. One thing I noticed lately is these PTO never make the team when you'd think they would. I know Bill played pretty bad but Wellwood and Fluery last year too. And what's the word on Emery? Do you think he might come back? He's injured till October or something I read so any chance he comes back?
  4. All I need is a FD or catch from Gould and Hicks....neither is going to happen.
  5. I bid on Lloyd with the same cash as the guy I'm facing but he had a worse record and now is beating me by his points....so lame. Hopefully Hicks and Gould can pull a miricle.
  6. Had to start this thread up... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XH2B06LDSuY
  7. Found out how to make gifs. http://www.gifsoup.com/view3/1195089/ryan-white-s-goal-o.gif
  8. Got my G yesterday and found out today I have two more weeks for my shoulder. Good week so far!
  9. Nuggets believe Nets will keep the offer of Favors and firsts so it should be interesting. In a couple months Outlaw might prove he's worth his money and Nuggets might want him or we can easily trade Troy Murphy as well. Glad it's over for now heading to China.
  10. http://image.bayimg.com/hapciaach.jpg Markov and Gill keep their A's.
  11. I'm 8-1 in my leagues but now on to out of division games. Should be interesting!
  12. Hopefully, they like Phoenix can get everything sorted out beyond the ice cause it's always nice to see teams like the Ducks and Lightning do well in a none hockey market.
  13. JP Losman's backup where ever he is, haha.
  14. Their young talent is winning now and IMO, did a way better job since they have a great balance.
  15. All Boston has to do is learn to chew their food because lately all they've been doing is choking. -_-
  16. It's going to be scary watching Edmonton in five years. Such good young talent.
  17. The Longest Yard is actually based off Mike Vicks life minus the dogs and Courtney Cox.
  18. Yeah Deangelo was my keeper and has done close to nothing this year. Been relying on Peyton and Steelers defense every week.
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