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Everything posted by Universe

  1. Talk about records, players and just about anything happening in your leagues.
  2. Honestly Christian youth are nuts in this area. Family friends of ours have kids age 18, 19 and 21 and they are all engaged and almost everyone I worked with all went to a Christian school and they ALL are either married or engaged. Crazy!
  3. Dallas happened. Team could never live to those expectations after that as the peices all fell apart IMO.
  4. I wonder which team will get burned here. Asking for more could result in them getting less. I really really hope we wait.
  5. Man, I don't think I know a lot easier but the rating system helps haha. Join!
  6. Redden was waived so either AHL or elsewhere.
  7. I put down for the Colts but don't have AIM so I hope it's okay. I'll just do trades via PM.
  8. Billups Hamilton Harrington Favors Nene Not bad? Kidding but I hope to see Hamilton with a winner soon. The dude is super talented.
  9. Why would Melo only play until the 2013 season for the Nets? Amare still left a winner for a loser which is why I compared the two. And I get that you think the Nets with Melo is an 8th seed and I don't disagree but you clearly aren't seeing the bigger picture of what I posted above. Nuggets weren't winning a championship this year either so why not get a head start with a team that clearly has a plan for you.
  10. A poster on Netsdaily brought up an interesting look. We didn't make that move yet we surrounded Kidd with a washed up Carter and Yi Jialian and now are in the situation we are today because we flopped at chancing for instant winning because we hoped our current core could improve alongside of Kidd rather than going for the sure thing in Kevin Garnett. I still really only see this as hype right now as there is not much to talk about in the basketball world before training camp so it's getting some interenet clicks. Still hope we can grab him though.
  11. I don't think Chicks Love Hakeem Nicks is very [expletive]ty. Neither are most of the Nets fans living there IMO.
  12. Nets aren't trading away all that for Carmelo not to sign...I thought that was pretty obvious haha. I wasn't hurt I was making a joke because a Knick fan is stating about an All-Star leaving a winning situation for a losing situation and it's the same as Carmelo and Amare....they both are choosing where to play. I know you don't understand why Melo is doing and I clearly don't have the correct answer but I stated a lot of the points above. And like I've said about three times now in this thread that you keep hoping over is that you keep saying their an 8th seed WITHOUT any other roster moves. Clearer?
  13. This year for Carmelo is a downgrade if he lands with the Nets (and that's just assuming they miss the playoffs), but then you got to add the fact that they are going to Brooklyn, they have an owner who is willing to spend money and a coach with Finals experince. Slide back over to Denver and you have a general manager with zero experince, only three players locked up past next year and a coach with one Finals apperance since '84. I know what everyone is stating about dumb move since losing Harris but I'm sure people would have said the same thing if Celtics only grabbed Ray Allen. Not every move to be a contender can be made in one season. And the reason I brought up Amare was 1) it was a joke that clearly bugged you 2) it pretty much sums up your whole point of the Nets record. Nets wouldn't bring in Carmelo and be happy just like the Knicks aren't happy just bringing in Amare. Do you not get that? And I think this year it's going to be some of the best Nets/Knicks basketball we have seen in a while but sadly a few teams are godlike.
  14. Downgrade? You think the Nets will trade for Melo and just pray those peices around him work and they turn into a playoff team? Of course. It's not about contracts, I'm stating wins since that's what you brought up. Nets and Knicks both suck. I think every team not named Lakers, Heat, Magic and maybe a few others 'suck' in comparison to these elite teams. This trade most likely won't even go through anyways.
  15. Where is the 12 win team? Oh right there was a thing called an off-season where we grabbed a new head coach, new general manager and a whole new roster but we just got scrubs so I guess another 12 win season. And Amare is coming off a 54 win season and he signed with a team that won 33 games and hasn't gotten past the first round in over ten years....but good talk.
  16. Didn't think it lived up to the hype it was getting. Was pretty dissipointed.
  17. I'm excited just to see fans supporting this team at games, Avery Johnson coaching and of course all the new faces. Should be a lot better than last year even if we only manage to win 20 games because least we will be seeing defense and actual play calling.
  18. Haha, you can talk big about the winning situation of the Nets but we bring up the Knicks and you put your tail in between your legs and post something like this.
  19. Same reason they went for big free agents....to improve and catch new fans heading to NY.
  20. I don't see it happening due to Outlaw being promised a starting spot and Harris relationship with Avery. Would be neat though since we are getting dominated with or without Anthony.
  21. His record in the KHL isn't very good but his GAA isn't horrible. Would he play for the Phantoms or head back to Russia if he didn't make the team?
  22. Rumors are that Eller might move to the wing which is smart. He either gets to play with Gionta and Gomez or with Cammy which gives him plenty of offensive chances. This then allows a future for him because Leblanc will get a spot with Hamilton next year and could be competing for a roster spot right away since he's french.
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