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Everything posted by Universe

  1. Oh yeah. Paul couldn't even say it on his twitter, he quoted what the team released.
  2. But casual people would know Kevin Garnett and I assume they would know he was traded from Minny. I find it a really weird statement to say especailly when you aren't going to LA or NY.
  3. Collison IMO, has no affect on if Paul wants to stay or not because the fact is, he's a top three point gaurd. Paul wanting to be traded is based on him not wanting to put the effort in to make this team a championship team hense why he wants to go play with other All-Stars. A top three point gaurd at 25 years old is definately not exppendable for a first year point gaurd whose record was 8-17 as a starter this season. My point with Dwight is would you consider him tradable if the Magic drafted a center who put up good numbers when Dwight was hurt? Definately not.
  4. If the person he was talking to didn't know Minny had a team then I'm sure they wouldn't know Utah has a team either.
  5. It's not like he had the choice. If he was a free agent, I don't see him signing with the Wizards to be behind John Wall but shows he's got a positive attitude rather than whining about coming off the bench.
  6. What's the obsession with Paul? That's like saying what's the obsession with Dwight Howard.
  7. In other words, shut up, pretend you are happy or you are off to the Clippers.
  8. What's the point of having a second round then? Teams find talent outside of the top ten all the time yet like I posted before, we haven't had ONE rookie since Richard to last past his rookie contract and that Rod Thorn's second year with the Nets.
  9. Yeah Pistons and Pacers are far more hopeless IMO. Pistons wasted all their cap and still are horrible and Larry Bird wants white.
  10. Since Richard Jefferson in 2001, no player he has drafted has lasted on the Nets beyond his rookie contract. That says something.
  11. Boo. You give us way too much and all we provide you with is words.
  12. Duds: Greg Oden, Sean Williams, Acie Law. Studs: Kevin Durant. There is more but my memory is drawing a blank.
  13. Don't do it NJ! But smart move by New Orleans. He really can't pick or choose where he wants to go so it was a poor decision on his part to request a trade IMO. I really would find it funny if he got sent to an even worse team than NO.
  14. Well the whole state of Ohio doesn't like him. Louisiana won't either if he told Paul to leave and I know for a fact Alaska doesn't either.
  15. How is it blaming him if he told Paul to ask for a trade?
  16. Just found myself on google maps...yeah I'm awesome.
  17. Ah, didn't reconize the username but I remember your jkidd acount. Hope you stay active so Waldo and I can discuss some Nets basketball with someone other than ourselves!
  18. Haha I know how you feel. I always still wear my Kenyon jersey but I don't even know where my Kidd one is. It's sad that we had to be bought by cheap owners at the time because even with his injuries, I'd still wish we had resigned him rather than watching Kidd's last good years with Vince Carter and a bunch of 32 year old veterans.
  19. Yeah GMJ did a great job with that video. I wish there was another Kenyon Martin in this league because even Kenyon isn't Kenyon anymore. I miss the old NBA with rivalaries and fire.
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