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Everything posted by Universe

  1. I don't get why he got fined? If he was injured a lot in Miami and stated he was often injured in Miami, would he have been fined? He's just stating the truth about his player.
  2. It is so dark out this morning that it feels like night time. Love itttttttttttt.
  3. It`s actually Jason Collins...we were all wrong.
  4. Yes get super hammered so you can`t seal the deal. God damn Jer.
  5. He's always been skinny but he was going to get big this summer and mono hit. He lost 30 pounds but I don't think he wants to workout huge with USA camp and NBA pretty close to starting. And it's a photo of Robin Lopez.
  6. http://img529.imageshack.us/img529/782/lopezv.gif Hopefully he has some speed because he definately hasn`t put back the weight he lost.
  7. I've worked at a dump and a compost facility and I gotta say Ben and Jers farts are one of my top ten worst smells.
  8. Is the Cavs owner posting on this website lately?
  9. I knew Jer would get a boner when he saw this thread.
  10. Ah thanks! Kinda found a way to cheat where you make super talented players and then sell them so you gain money to start the [expletive]ty teams but already started the manager mode. I just wish there was some way I could switch the time back to five minutes cause I didn`t realize the season was so long.
  11. People need to chill out. They are arguing over the stupidiest stuff. Yes LeBron just did that...so what? Yes Kobe needed Gasol to win and now he's got two in a row. It happened and this is what is happening. I just don't get why everyone is so angry lately especailly Laker and Heat fans fighting when you have the potential of two top teams in 2010. Puzzles me what people will argue over.
  12. Rented it and my manager mode was going well till my guys lost all their energy. I`m only using Bradford City to try and get them good so any tips?
  13. Kovy deal got rejected by the NHL haha!
  14. Just saw one of those funny facebook moments on mine. The girl wrote "can't feel my head no ganj for 3.5 months then none then tons omg life" and her mom liked it.
  15. Robin pulled out of Team USA. Resting his back some more.
  16. Sean Williams, CDR and now Dooling. Boone up next?
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