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Everything posted by Universe

  1. Hockey is 60 minutes and they pop out much more goals.
  2. Twisted Metal is back? Thank goodnessss.
  3. Yeah and we just have different opinions. I'm not gonna say I've never seen a good soccer game but the chances of seeing a great match from start to finish is small.
  4. The old NHL didn't have much scoring but they've made rules to make it quicker and much more scoring. Add that with hits and players actually playing through injuries.
  5. Well it definately isn't spent scoring.
  6. I played for 12 years of my life. I understand it and grew to hate it.
  7. But most of the time, nothing happens aside from flopping.
  8. I prefer watching professionals tie 0-0.
  9. Klashnekoff, I tried looking back where you called out Avery Johnson before everyone and I can't find it so maybe you'd like to show us. All I could find was you mentioning this in a thread mentioning our coaching options with Avery listed:
  10. Bulldozed over a kid in ball hockey last night to have his defense partner come over and slash me in my ankle. Nobody on my team even came to help and now my ankle looks like a baseball. I hate my team.
  11. Back in his school some dumbass who posts on this board sprayed me in the eye with colonge and now I only have 50% vision in that eye.
  12. Loved him as a player and wish him nothing but the best in his recovery.
  13. Hahaha. Is it actually the guy...mean girl I'm thinking about?
  14. People say war is life or death but in reality, everyday is life or death.
  15. Aren't you an Evan Turner fan?
  16. Scored the game winner last night in ball hockey. Our goalie made like 43 saves, the dude is a BEAST.
  17. But all you are saying is age? Where are the facts like I have provided? You wonder why I question your hockey knowledge when I look up facts and you say I must have a lot of free time on my hand rather than discussing the point at hand. Anyways I'm done in here. I'll just watch over the discussion in this forum not correcting the statements you guys make without and knowledge of the fact because hey, why would you learn something whose taken courses in hockey knowledge because he was becoming a sports journalist and has hockey on TV 24/7. But that's me, the douchebag.
  18. I watchd it with my own eyes! The year before that he won the Stanley Cup and ten years before that he won it too. I explained how a slow start along with injuries to the Red Wings ruined his season this year but you are honestly saying ML who has shown he can't stop a scoring team is better than Osgood who has proved how good he was just a mere 100 games ago? Why is ML better than Osgood in your opinion?
  19. And I've showed you that Osgood comes in better when it's on the line. So whats the arguement you are making?
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