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Everything posted by Universe

  1. Are you good friends with David Litke? Added you to facebook too....no homo.
  2. Caps had almost 50 shots and Ovy had zero. I'm proud for once...
  3. SO MANY pucks just roll along the line so far! So awesome!
  4. He is god awful. He isn't the most overrated in the league but he's pretty much a talented forward moved to defense.
  5. OMG getting my Spannish belt next week! Yaaaaay. Wish me luck!
  6. I agree. LeBron took a good team and made them better than before. KD made a [expletive] team amazing.
  7. I'm not saying they did it but why rape someone when obvs there is a 20244525 girls that'd have sex with you.
  8. No way, he posted in this thread! We are all famous!!!!!
  9. Pulling a Jer and drinking all day. [expletive]ing weather.
  10. http://media.nbcphiladelphia.com/images/410*307/Matthew+Clemmens.jpg OMG OTR IS GONNA BE FAMOUS! Congrats Fly3rs18!
  11. Meh, it was okay. Kidding. It was amazing.
  12. Thought we'd get swept so a nice surprise!
  13. This is why the NHL playoffs are the best. Every team upset last night.
  14. Only way I judge someone on what they are writing is who they are writing about. There are some posters that are excellent knowledge of their team but try to hard on thinking they know more about others when they don't.
  15. Definately but I saw a lady walk into my apartment with her cat on her shoulder like a parrot...awesome! How's everyone's day?
  16. Dude was getting rid of batteries and such and had four bottles which only one had a toxic logo on it but it was empty so I told him to throw it in rather than driving to hazardous waste and he said he'd rather dispose of it proper which makes no different since it's empty. Nothing angry happened or anything but then my bosses boss drives down from the main office to show me the email.
  17. Tried to help out a customer at work today so he wouldn't have to travel to two places and the [expletive]ing guy emails the company about how he was dissipointed with my service and disregard for the enviroment. WHY! Why try and get someone fired who was trying to do you a favour? Add that with taking the time to write up an entire page email when you spent less time where I actually worked. I wish I'd catch a break soon because I'm [expletive]ing tired of being nice and kissing asss while getting NOTHING in return.
  18. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jz9Y-AJvetA&feature=player_embedded Love Conboy! Hamilton and Toronto are better rivals than the NHL counterparts.
  19. Yeah you never hear of two and a shorthanded goal is rare in it's own way.
  20. Clinched a playoff spot with our loss. We either play Buffalo, Caps or the Devils...yay.
  21. Terrence Williams is the [expletive]. Can't wait for everyone to be dissipointed about not getting LeBron and then this kid just tears it up.
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