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Everything posted by Universe

  1. I wish he killed me but instead he blinded me and ruined all my dreams.
  2. Games are so easy to win if they'd care about every possesion. Rather than standing, pacing and clapping, Kiki has done absolutely nothing but watch players take shots at horrible positions.
  3. I saw this thread, googled him to get this image and see you beat me to it. Great minds think a like. He seems nervous to make the next move so maybe he's on a short leash now.
  4. Humps should never shoot unless it is a dunk.
  5. Haha, just got what I did there! I didn't even mean that either just trying to scare you guys but that's funny.
  6. Reports are he tore his ACL as he went off camera he got into a wheelchair. Not good news for the Heat.
  7. Hoping he can get some games in this year with the Phillies because I don't think he will dissipoint many.
  8. They shot themselves in the foot and got screwed over at the same time. Gotta score on a 5 on 3 but goalie interference killed them.
  9. No way. I can't honestly believe Mayo would be traded and the Warriors would turn that down.
  10. I think it should be like the NHL. You can get drafted at 18 but you still go play college ball or go overseas. I think college basketball would be awesome because Lakers fans could catch Syracuse games because a prospect is on the team. I know I've become fans of college teams because of watching highlights of players drafted by the Nets. I watched so many of Acie Law's games and I would never of knew how good he was if it wasn't for Wright.
  11. Germany looking good or Sweden looking really bad.
  12. It gets tiring hearing whining fans only go in with a 'feel sorry for my team' attitude when you just won the NBA Championship in threads that have nothing to do with the team. All I know is when the Nets destroy the league next year I won't be whining about what the rest of the fans think about my team and post it in every thread. ..and it's not directed at you.
  13. Just to add onto it, today is a great example. People are looked at salary moves rather than fan favourites. The loyalty in today's game is at it's lowest IMO, with players who've been the definition of team players being traded because of their salaries. Yes, it's apart of the game and if it means winning then it's nice but I liked it when players would sign and stay for a bit rather than GM's moving around with cap. Hopefully next year we will see some changes with LeBron and company signing hopefully long term contracts.
  14. My post was complete sarcasm. You haven't been here long enough to understand.
  15. I really hope the owners and everyone are upset over this because of course LeBron gets an All-Star help but when the Lakers do something, everyone is up in arms! Ugh, hate it SO much.
  16. Nobody is going to say yes so not worried yet. Just wish we'd give Kiki the boot before we damage this team more like getting Brook or one of the young guns upset.
  17. Nets aren't tanking, they are just bad. Charles Barkley and Jerry West were talking about this recently I heard on the Score and I believe it's true. Alex English went on to say that any given night any team has a chance to win but I disagree. You enter each season with a top four to win a championship and chances are one of them will win.
  18. I just wanted to quote this because my life is just so lucky. Get up at 6 and get a call at 6:15 saying they cancelled. [expletive]ing STUPID.
  19. We didn't only win, we won the season series.
  20. Lee has been improved. He's averaging 18.6 PPG and 5.6 RPG on 56 percent shooting (21-of-37) over his past three so that's promising.
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