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Everything posted by Universe

  1. I going to disagree. Once his body is lifted off the board going 144 into anything head first is going to kill you. Could have been a wall or something else but it needed to be curved inwards so he would slide up a wall rather than being shot up and out. The other lugers actually changed there mind even saw an American stating how there would be no injuries less than 24 hours before the death of the athlete. The blame doesn't go on really anyone. Vancouver made the track for the best to be the best and the athlete didn't have the resources to practise on something like that causing the accident. Really unfortunate. As for Canada hockey, we looked not so hot in the first with Patrice Bergy getting pulled off resulting in a Iggy hat trick. I think we are still lower than Russia and Sweden but should be a fun week.
  2. I get home from work where they told me I wouldn't be working till 12 tomorrow but then I get a call saying I have to come in at 7 while others come in at 12 so I'm working a 15 to 17 hour day. I miss being 5 years old.
  3. No Olympics for Akost luckily for us fans.
  4. Does anyone actually want two teams or just stick with one? I just figure we won't have that many people so might as well grab a top seed and a bottom seed.
  5. I pick Montreal unless someone else wants them. I'll wait to pick my second team so others can pick.
  6. He isn't calling the Flyers Nazi's, he's saying he hates them as much as the world hated the Nazi's walking into the Olympics. He's actually an amazing writer and is the face of english journalism in Montreal. I get my friends in Montreal to collect his work from the paper that I can't read it online and bring it here. You'd hear MUCH worse from a french journalist in Montreal. One recently said that our new GM looks like he just came out of a gas chamber from the war, lol.
  7. I think Shaq, Kobe and Duncan are tied. Each did something different that puts them above the rest of the competition but not above each other IMO.
  8. We can use the AHL but I think the final rosters should just be the NHL team plus two extras (one defensemen, one forward).
  9. Say I'm the Canadiens and I trade you Halak and your the Flyers and you think thats good then your done. Not really time consuming but just fun.
  10. Alright well I'll put up a sign up thread tomorrow night just so everyone can see this tonight and tomorrow. I assume some people might want the same team so I'll draw names or something!
  11. First Canadian gold on Canadian soil! Happened to one of the greatest athletes. His brother who has specail needs was going crazy! Such a good story for our first gold.
  12. Invite Flyer Nation! I know some Canadians on these boards will be down.
  13. I say we start one up. Nothing big or anything but just for some fun trade discussion. While we lack numbers, I think we could each pick two teams; one a playoff team and then the complete opposite in a bottom feeder. While you can't trade with yourself, you have to trade with each other while trying to get your playoff team better and also your bottom team to atleast look good now or best fit for the future. At the end we can vote to see whose team is the best or have catagories. Here's it on a hockey website being done. http://hfboards.com/showthread.php?t=738266 Anyone interested?
  14. Very unique eh? Guy is pure heart on the ice while everyone else is just counting down the clock.
  15. http://secretsocietynyc.files.wordpress.com/2008/08/13.jpg I think when you have an [expletive] like that, sitting down must be just heavenily. Like imagine the comfort you have even on a wooden stool!
  16. Got a bit last night but looks like it's melting. I want one of like five feet so that nothing is open. Those days are aaaaaawesome.
  17. I didn't notice the shoes in those pics.
  18. Just watched the highlights and all of these dunks were pre-game warm up dunks were the crowd ohs and ahs over them. Definately not dunk contest worthy.
  19. Jenn Heil definately got things started for us. Kim St. Pierre with the shutout repping my family!
  20. http://panthers.nhl.com/club/news.htm?id=517345 Shotgun David Booth.
  21. Trade freeze at 3 pm today. Montreal already set the standard too high trading a second rounder for a bum rental.
  22. I live in Canada and I wore shorts today.
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