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Everything posted by BasX

  1. Dwight also isn't playing anymore
  2. If I have an average QB I might want a nice possession TE before either. Both spots you can find value in later rounds and an average QB needs a safety valve if his receivers can't get off. Running backs seem to have a small shelf life as well. If I have to choose one, it'd be a WR.
  3. Steelers gonna draft how the Steelers gonna draft. Solid picks overall.
  4. http://hardcorevinyl.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/02/defeater-empty-days.jpg AOTY, the lyrics are brilliant
  5. http://www.therecordrebellion.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/06/letlive_coverart.gif
  6. what the hell happened... is this real life?
  7. http://nodata.tv/wp-content/uploads/2011/02/Coloring-Book-320x320.png
  8. Steelers vs. Packers i picked it last time, so I'll do it again
  9. That's what they said in 2009. TomRob eating babies, Tyshawn being Tyshawn, etc.
  10. http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-mJBpdKvHxIo/TZjvS_M_xOI/AAAAAAAAADI/n7U3v8otClo/s1600/thursday__18642_zoom.jpg Not your old brothers Thursday. Amazing.
  11. Wait, you mean you guys never used to do that. What the hell sport was I playing then.
  12. I would assume this was made on the assumption the Twins were leaving, which was smart because they gone.
  13. TomRob finna beast next year
  14. Forgot Tennis and of course Curling, cause I'm Canada
  15. Football Basketball Hockey Baseball Golf Soccer Golf and Soccer can move up depending on event, like Masters this weekend is <3
  16. http://images.memegenerator.net/Are-You-Fucking-Kidding-Me/File/131882/Are-You-Fucking-Kidding-Me.jpg
  17. And what I'll do to BC if Jose is still on this team next year
  18. I'd rather keep the picks and take BPA, but it is an intriguing situation. I'm just not sold on a guy like Perry Jones yet and I'm iffy on Derrick Williams as of now. It'll take some time as this probably the year more than any other where pre-drafts camp could actually help me make a decision.
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