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Everything posted by Phightins

  1. No, in case you were wondering I did not need to see that press conference in order to know that the Mets are a mess. However, Minaya has handled this situation so ridiculously unprofessionally, and what he did with that press conference was beyond a joke. It just serves as more evidence to support the "mess" claim.
  2. What's best for baseball is for people to just forget about steroids, and to move on. Given what is currently going on this is not going to happen. It is the "cool" thing for the media and fans to crucify everybody they suspect might have been on steroids, even if there is no real evidence to back that up. Even players with no reason to be suspected are being accused, since apparently everybody in this steroid age is guilty until proven innocent. Players being tarnished, or better yet excluded from the hall of fame due to baseless accusations is a major problem. The only way for baseball to move on here, IMO, is to just put everybody with deserving numbers into the hall of fame, no asterisks. Since there is no way or proving that most of these suspected cheaters actually cheated, what is the point of keeping them from the hall of fame? My point is that if all of these stubborn writers responsible for electing players to the hall of fame were to realize that cheating happened way back in the day, and somebody like Mickey Mantle may not have been clean, then maybe it will be a wake up call that there is nothing that can be done with the past. If Mickey Mantle was on steroids, then God knows who else was. There is no way of proving who cheated one way or the other. I have said all along that the only thing I feel baseball can do is continue to intensify current testing procedures and plan for a better, cleaner future, since there is nothing they can do about the past. Nobody will ever know for sure whose numbers are clean and whose aren't.
  3. Do you possess any reading comprehension skills? If you disagree that's fine, but we clearly stated reasoning for everything we said.
  4. philadelphiaflyers.com has been completely redone. I think it's really nice.
  5. The Mets are a mess of an organization. Take off your rose colored glasses for a second and tell me honestly if that is an "ignorant assessment".
  6. I want him at all costs, and I think the Phillies are just using their counter offer to try to bring the Jays price down. That is what I am hoping at least. I do not think the Phillies have any problems dealing Happ btw, but Drabek is the one they are hesitant with. Happ's value right now is as high as it ever will be, and even though he has been awesome this year he projects to be a 3 or 4 at best. The Jays are not dumb and are insisting on Drabek as well, which I cannot blame them for. The Phillies have never been a team to trade their future away for one superstar player though, and since it worked out last year they may think it will work again. They easily could have gotten in on the Sabathia bidding but decided to take the cheaper Blanton instead. But I am confident we will wind up with either Halladay or Lee.
  7. Exactly. There is no way of knowing who did what, so players should just be put into the hall of fame based on their accomplishments on the field and their statistics, no asterisks, nothing.
  8. That is true. I guess my hope is that if it came out that Mantle or somebody else that the stubborn old writers rooted for as a kid did not play the game clean, it might change some of their outlooks. But I am not counting on it.
  9. Honestly it might be for the best if it's somehow proven that he used steroids. It would give a lot of people a major reality check...those same people that have no problems with the all time hit king and all time homerun king being out of the hall of fame. Just think about that for a second...steroids/gambling or not, that is an absolute joke.
  10. When will people realize that there is NOTHING we can do about this? If Mantle indeed used steroids maybe it'll finally show people that we have two options here...either wipe the hall of fame clean (since in the mind's of a lot of people everybody is a suspect and is guilty until proven innocent), or we just continue to enhance testing for today's players and move on. Obviously the first option is not happening, nor should it. But the bottom line is there is no way we will ever have a full list of players who cheated, so there is absolutely no use in crucifying a select few.
  11. In case anybody doesn't know, Adam Rubin, a writer for the NY Daily News, is the writer who broke the story about Bernazard going crazy in the AA clubhouse and challenging the team to a fight. Today in the press conference Omar Minaya called out Rubin and implied that he only broke the story because he wanted Bernazard out so he could have his job. This organization is [expletive]ed up on so many levels.
  12. Did anybody see the press conference? All I have to say is that is one major mess of an organization.
  13. The Mets are firing Tony Bernazard...no surprise there. If I were a Mets fan I'd be wondering when Jeff Wilpon would just ball up and fire Omar Minaya. I like how he has taken absolutely no blame for this.
  14. There was never really a topic of substance to begin with so this was bound to happen.
  15. In terms of getting to the games late and leaving early, yes, LA fans >>>>>Philly fans, you are correct sir.
  16. They are. I cannot wait to see what Skip Bayless has to say about this and the laser incident on 1st and 10 tomorrow....not.
  17. Now you are being ridiculous. Skip Bayless, is that you? But honestly, this happened while the game was going on (it was in the 7th inning). These people did not care about baseball, they were just there to get drunk at McFaddens (as I said a very cool little restaurant/bar).
  18. And you really think Philadelphia is the only city that has to deal with senseless violence? Really?
  19. Seriously, why is this thread even in "other sports"? It should be in general discussion, this has nothing to do with sports at all. It is the Phillies problem because it happened on their property, but it was not a fight over sports. If somebody murdered somebody and dumped the body in your back yard, does that make you the bad guy? Anyway, I just LOVEEEEE how when a guy gets murdered outside Angel Stadium and Dodger Stadium over a baseball-related fight, it is an "unfortunate incident", but when a non-sports related murder happens in the Phillies parking lot, without even taking the time to look at the details it is "those savage Philly fans up to their old tricks". This gets really lame really fast.
  20. It has to do with Philadelphia, yes, but not Philadelphia sports or Philadelphia fans. This could have just as easily happened in center city had they chosen to have their bachelors party there. There is a cool little restaurant called McFaddens next to CBP which is obviously a very popular place for sports fans and non sports fans alike. If they were having their party during a game, something tells me they don't give two [expletive]s about baseball. Otherwise they would have been inside the stadium watching. And look around the internet, you will not find one Phillies fan who supports that dope with the laser pointer. Everybody is extremely pissed off because it gives the clueless national media yet another thing to get on "us" for.
  21. Absolutely nothing to do with sports, man. Some idiots were having a bachelors party in the restaurant next to CBP while the game was going on, got in a fight, and it spilled into the parking lot. They were not there for the game, and for all we know they couldn't tell the Phillies from the Eagles. So, next time just read the story first.
  22. I always thought I was weird for liking the smell of gasoline...guess I'm not that weird lol.
  23. Only one I have ever used is Yahoo. Think I will be doing an ESPN league for football this year so I guess I will find out!
  24. That's what he did for his first no-hitter. Not sure what he did for this one, although he did say he would have something extra special for Dewayne Wise.
  25. I think that honor actually goes to Neal Huntington.
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