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Everything posted by Phightins

  1. If they did reject this offer I honestly can't blame them...he will do them no good this season, so why not wait a year and a half and try to sign him next offseason. But if they were willing to take that from the Mets, makes me wonder what they will take from the Phillies...
  2. This thread is an absolute joke from top to bottom. If your point is essentially "if baseball had a $70 mil salary cap, the Rockies would be better than the Red Sox", that is bogus because there is no way of proving it. How do you know how the Red Sox would be constructed in such a situation? I mean, congrats to the Rockies for scouting and drafting well, but in today's game that will only take you so far. See: the Florida Marlins. And the statistics you posted barely scratch the surface. Wins, losses, ERA, Ks, AVG, HR, RBI do tell a decent amount about a player, but they are very novice comparison tools. If you really wanted to prove a point, I think you could have dug a bit deeper and found other numbers to support your claim. Also, in baseball (and all sports), numbers only tell part of the story. There is another nifty little tool that can come in handy when evaluating teams: your eyes. You actually have to open them and watch the games some times....the Red Sox are a better team and it is not close, and I'd be willing to bet they'd be better in a salary cap league as well. Money aside, they draft well and run their organization extremely well and there is no reason to think they wouldn't be successful under other conditions. Sorry you wasted your time here, but there is no point here whatsoever.
  3. Well, both teams have to play there. It may inflate the Yankees numbers over the course of a season but I wouldn't call it "unfair" since during any given game both teams bat with the same dimensions. Annoying, yes, since to me that is not real baseball, but it is not unfair. Personally I like it because now everybody [expletive]es about Yankee Stadium and nobody talks about Citizens Bank Park being a bandbox anymore lol.
  4. I am SO pissed off I didn't go see Fleetwood Mac when they were in Philly a few months ago. But yes, she is amazing and as a band Fleetwood Mac doesn't get nearly enough recognition as they should.
  5. I remember Diesel was obsessed with tub girl when we were in like 6th grade, so yeah this [expletive] has been out there for a longgg time.
  6. Don't know about a particular song but something by Janis Joplin, Joni Mitchell, or Stevie Nicks.
  7. Well for the record, I never said soccer players are pansies, that was trutrojan. I am just commenting on your statement that dropping a ball makes somebody a pansy.
  8. But what does "tripping over your own feet" have to do with being a wimp? Do you know what the definition of "wimp" is?
  9. This thread has become comical. At least it hasn't turned racial (yet).
  10. There has been a lot of credibility lost in the course of these 2 threads lol.
  11. Both games are beautiful in their own ways. I find soccer to be boring and baseball to be very exciting. Likewise, Slaven and all you other dudes think the opposite. Clearly it is a matter of perspectives here...I do not know the first thing about soccer and maybe if I did I would enjoy it. Clearly the baseball bashers are clueless on baseball too. There is no definitive answer as to which sport is "more boring" than the other since it is all a matter of perspective as I said, so bashing either is pretty ignorant.
  12. Mike Richards is the first to come to mind, for obvious reasons haha. Plus he is on a 12 year contract. Also, can't really see Sidney Crosby going anywhere unless something dramatically changes there, same with Ovechkin. Obviously Nick Lidstrom has spent his entire career with Detroit and I could see Pavel Datsyuk doing the same. Henrik Lundqvist too perhaps? Jarome Iginla? Who knows...this is a good question though. It would obviously have to be somebody in a relatively big hockey market...most players don't really like staying in the smaller markets for too long (see: Bouwmeester).
  13. Don't even waste the energy replying to his BS....this is precisely how the thread last night got to 13 pages lol.
  14. I am going to stay out of this one lol. But baseball..
  15. Clay Condrey has been activated from the disabled list and to make room for him Tyler Walker has been designated for assignment. Kind of sucks because Walker has been pitching well, but he was the only logical guy to go.
  16. Sucks that the condom was left in the room but come on, maybe they should have been watching the kid. And lol that hotel is about 5 minutes from my house.
  17. Lol....I CANNOT believe this thing is still going. Oh well, some people are really showing their true colors here.
  18. Oh yeah? Hmm. Followed by much [expletive]ing...
  19. Yeah, why don't you go ahead and quote the post that was in response to. Something like "baseball is gay". Yeah...I wonder if he expected to say that and not get any response.
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