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Everything posted by Phightins

  1. And lol....I have seen a lot of pathetic threads on OTR, but this is just [expletive]ing retarded now. Might be the all time worst.
  2. Imagine what that would be if you take the teams like the Marlins, Nationals, and Rays out of the equation.
  3. I just love the arguments they use...all they bring up is the amount of people around the world who play/watch it. Somehow this makes baseball "gay". And oh yeah, apparently playing baseball is as simple as swinging a stick and hitting a ball...who knew!
  4. Yeah I'm done. At first their stupidity was annoying, but now it's funny as hell to look back and read some of it.
  5. I'd argue that soccer is far more boring...but I am actually not an ignorant clown and I realize that different people have different perspectives.
  6. I have never been a soccer fan, but had never hated it....until now. I wonder if all soccer fans are as big of tools are some of the posters in this thread.
  7. Moyer, Madson, and Romero combine on the 1-hit shutout... Also Ryan Howard became the quickest player in MLB history to 200 homeruns.
  8. http://picardfacepalm.com/picard-facepalm.jpg
  9. If you are being serious that is kind of pathetic, and if you are being sarcastic it was an epic fail. http://partlytruthpartlyfiction.files.wordpress.com/2008/06/pot-calling-the-kettle-black-734818.jpg
  10. That makes SO much sense thanks for clearing it up.
  11. In all seriousness LKR definitely go....sounds like a great experience for you to share with your friend.
  12. I've heard soccer is popular with little babies because they like to fall on the ground and cry. You mad?
  13. Retarded much? Did you even read my post?
  14. FYI nobody cares how popular soccer is world wide. That is awesome that so many people care so deeply about it, it really is. Is that supposed to alter American's opinions of the sports we love? Don't think so, so if you want to use that "popularity" argument move to Europe or something.
  15. I would love to see your Google search history lol.
  16. You are supporting the idea of going to see a "gay" sport? So which category do you fall into? Ugly Caribbean dude, small-penised Asian, or American hick?
  17. Awesome...those people can continue to want to die for it, I'll stick to being a diehard baseball fan. Works fine for me.
  18. To each their own...that is why it is so pointless to bash either sport. Both are acquired tastes.
  19. Do you have any idea how many people think soccer is "gay"?
  20. Yeah..something wrong?
  21. If it's your only chance to see a baseball game this year, then yes do it.
  22. ELO is awesome.... Also nobody has mentioned the Beach Boys yet. Classic [expletive].
  23. It's not that we wouldn't give them, we just don't have them to begin with lol. We have a lot of very good prospects but they are all a year or two off.
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