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Everything posted by Smitty

  1. I knew this was gonna happen. Alright, that's it for now.
  2. Once again...people need to stop with the broad generalizations.
  3. How about those 49ers..but seriously. The broad generalizations get annoying after a while.
  4. http://i48.tinypic.com/286zds6.jpg Eff you Harman.
  5. Any Steam users take advantage of the sales yet? I just got a couple games for less than $30. Good games at that.
  6. It's really fun. I had got it off of Gamefly a while back, it was a blast to play.
  7. Man this has been the most physically draining week ever so far. Worked 3 to midnight yesterday, 2-10:30 today, and I gotta work 8-4:15 tomorrow. smh This happens to me alot also, it's like they somehow become late just to get on your nerves.
  8. This edition features one of our writers, member Built Ford Tough. Yall know how it goes, ask away.
  9. I wouldn't say top 10 yet. Top 20, yeah. By next season he'll def be there, though.
  10. 2009 has been a curse to celebrities it seems like. It's a bit disturbing and saddening. RIP
  11. We can beat the Celtics but we're getting killed against the damn Clippers. sigh
  12. Well it looks like it isn't as bad as I thought. Thank God...do not wanna be cooped up home on a Saturday afternoon/evening.
  13. It sucks. I was supposed to go out but that got ruined.
  14. Pork. I say this because of the gift known as BBQ ribs.
  15. Awesome sauce. Or as HG would say, ASOME sauce.
  16. Correct. And nah, no firewalls. EDIT: Actually, you know what..I do. Let me see if it's that.
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