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Everything posted by Smitty

  1. Yeah I noticed that too. Is that supposed to happen?
  2. Sometimes I say OTR, sometimes I say DH. Mostly OTR lol
  3. I'll change it if you want...cause I hate when that happens too lol EDIT: it was pretty big in filesize...that was probably it.
  4. The others could tell you that better than I can. I didn't start getting active again till like the end of the summer lol
  5. Whoa, blast from the past. Good, what have you been up to?
  6. Anyone having trouble with Youtube? I can't view any vids because the ads freeze before they start playing.
  7. Hawes stepped his shit up..I'm impressed. Great game by him.
  8. Andy said he's still sticking with Vick. Meh.
  9. Our city didn't even get hit that hard but they won't even let us drive anywhere because they blocked nearly every road..getting annoyed.
  10. http://i46.tinypic.com/kestab.jpg This is crazy and funny at the same time
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