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Everything posted by Smitty

  1. lol, Yall don't have it out there? They finally put one up around here. Cherry limeade >>>>>
  2. Sonic for their limeades. Other than that I don't really eff with it like that anymore.
  3. Goddamn dude. I only just beat Morty smh. Goddamn Gengar Sudowoodo ftw lol
  4. WTF? How long were you playing after I sent you that patch?
  5. Did anyone else buy(or d/l) the import? I did...and it's siiiiick. It's not really much different from the OG version either.
  6. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c7paSzXEe2Q
  7. I don't know why this reminds me of Left 4 Dead but with a lil comedy thrown in.
  8. Turned down by women percentage? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7yl3UMO-TkE But in all seriousness though...anyone remember the dude that was like 8'11? Now THAT was crazy. :o
  9. Did something happen to McAlister? I'm surprised he lasted that long...I never really followed the Ravens like that, so I don't know. EDIT: On another note, it's funny that he's actually moving to saftey in real life...cause that's the position I put him at in Madden haha.
  10. Watch what yall say in here..I already had to warn one person.
  11. Agreed. (Although I still like Sonic Adventure 2 Battle lol)
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