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Everything posted by Smitty

  1. He is right, it was just his intention.
  2. lol, the following players have become head coaches in my franchise now: Marvin Harrison Lorenzo Neal Tedy Bruschi London Fletcher Tony Richardson Amani Toomer Fred Taylor Derrick Mason Kevin Faulk Issac Bruce Mushin Muhammad Zach Thomas Kevin Mawae I should hire one of them..they all come with bonuses lol.
  3. Considering all the spamming you've been doing within the past hour, I would've thought that you would be able to get that hint. Either you start posting like a normal person again, or you'll be on strike 2.
  4. The thread isn't about Cutler...someone who has no relevance to this thread. It's about who will fare better between Sanchez and Stafford.
  5. Man...yall are something else. Can we NOT do this in a Laker thread for once? Thanks.
  6. I never thought about it like that...that would be sick. Imagine Wolverine and Mickey Mouse just lighting people up together.
  7. I'd lol if they made a Marvel vs. Disney game. But I just read about this...nutso.
  8. I want Macho to start soley off his name alone.
  9. Hell, lets just put Tay Zonday and bangbangbang up there.
  10. I just went ahead and bought the Bold today. It's pretty damn awesome.
  11. lol @ saying Cleveland. I would have to go with most of the Bay Area teams.
  12. It doesn't really have to be an all hip-hop banner. Because there ARE non hip hop fans on here. Do like a hip hop star and a rock/pop star.
  13. If there's anyone I do feel sorry for, it'd be the families. And I've gotten alot of [expletive] because of my size and whatnot over the years(offline and on here at some points)...yet you don't see me trying to kill myself. It's just selfish thing to do. I don't care how much you've been bullied and whatnot...there's hundreds more positive ways to deal with that.
  14. Bold has Wi Fi I believe so I should be good regardless lol.
  15. I can never feel sorry for people who even attempt to do this. I consider it to be one of the most selfish things somebody can ever do.
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