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Everything posted by Smitty

  1. Iggy isn't really a true SG. He's a natural SF.
  2. Anderson Silva Rashad Evans Forrest Griffin
  3. It's funny how I been playing my PS2 more than my 360, PS3 and Wii the past couple days lol
  4. +1 And watch Duhon light him up because of that.
  5. You did say you wanted to use it as a PC monitor...
  6. Wow what in the world is going on? This is crazy... RIP
  7. Eh..too tired lol. Maybe tomorrow night when I get home from work.
  8. Ask Frog that when he gets on(JBB dudes will get this. )
  9. Better hope so, cause Brandon Jennings seems to have the IQ of a bread crumb.
  10. lol yeah, Viral still has the files and everything. That'll prolly finally get going soon whenever he manages to get on.
  11. I mean, "merge" like they did with justbball(unless that's what you mean, haha)
  12. Oh yeah...forgot about that. Firewire or w/e right?
  13. Still not that thrilled about it, honestly.
  14. Haha, didn't S2 reach out to you at one point, B?
  15. ^Why only a 26? http://i44.tinypic.com/20j5mhe.jpg http://i40.tinypic.com/2u8z7rk.jpg
  16. We need Shaliq to liven this thread up.
  17. Smitty


    Workin fine for me.
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