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Everything posted by Smitty

  1. I will be shocked if Daniel Bryan retains. But I hope he does if it means more AJ
  2. Forever wasn't really that good. Then again I didn't really expect a whole lot from it.
  3. Loved this game...though the pig cops used to scare me as a kid lol.
  4. Yeah...this is gonna have to end.
  5. This is not going to end well....
  6. Same. Too much red..how about some more blue...or black?
  7. As much as he irritates me with some plays...I'm glad to see Lou Will getting some love.
  8. ...what does that have to do with anything? Kinda reaching there. lol
  9. wtf has been up with Doug Collins lately? Don't even get me started on his handling of Evan Turner...
  10. ^Shaliq you can say bitch..it's not censored haha
  11. Yup, you were right kingfish. Got about $27 for it. Picked up WWE 12.
  12. Really? Sweet. Thanks for that bit of info. Gonna trade in MW3, Left 4 Dead 2, and Oblivion(really no need for it since I have it for PC) Probably gonna pick up Madden or WWE 12.
  13. Anyone know how much store credit I'd get for trading in MW3?
  14. nvm. I just formatted the HD and saved the important stuff beforehand. Working beautifully again.
  15. I seriously can't get this shit to go away. Every time I get rid of it, it comes back 5 minutes later.
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