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Everything posted by Smitty

  1. Fish just felt THE FORCE! :o
  2. This is still my most anticipated game this year.
  3. Man..I gotta [expletive]ing stop having girl problems..lol
  4. lol, you'd have to rename it OTR Afterlife Sports.
  5. Remember how that loon Harold/Howard whatever Camping said how the world was gonna end on 10/21/11? Wonder how he'll explain his way out of it this time when tomorrow passes.
  6. Yeah I saw a couple pictures...man. They ended that man. Can't help but think that this is going to lead to more and more bad things around the world.
  7. I think Dion Lewis will get the #2 spot, Phightins. Which I don't mind, because he has done a fine job in his limited time so far.
  8. This guy really seems to lack a certain tact. That's a shame..considering all the talent he has.
  9. Yup, it's one the perfect times to get hired by these places.
  10. I heard that today too. They were really letting Kelce have it yesterday as well.
  11. Got a job interview at Target this Friday. Gonna beast that so I can finally get away from [expletive]ing Walgreens.. Real excited
  12. Look forward to alot of standing pat as far as making moves go if you hire Stefanski.
  13. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wv5r3AspqKw&feature=player_embedded#!
  14. Will be getting this for PS3 tomorrow. Can't wait. I was being lazy and played the Wii version to tide me over till I got my hands on the real Madden 12 lol.
  15. LMAO. It still scares me how he looks just like me, but 2x the fat. I feel like Durant size now. He might be the younger brother I was never told about.
  16. What the [expletive]???? :lol: I must have a chubbier brother I don't know about. Dude..seriously..that scares me.
  17. Damn..that's worse than me. Slept from 6 am to about 4pm.
  18. As mad as I am about the Eagles' loss, a Cowboys loss kinda takes the sting away(sorry Fish <3 ) That, and Calvin Johnson is a [expletive]ing beast.
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