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Everything posted by Smitty

  1. Regardless, shit is real. You're still my buddeh anyway <3
  2. It's still a big threat because buildings out east aren't built for this shit. Sorry if our buildings aren't like those forts in California.
  3. Northeast OTR members be careful tomorrow..shit kinda just got real. I believe the hurricane is up to a Category 3 or 4. Prepare your houses and whatnot, you might wanna gather a few things together like water, flashlights, canned food etc. Even if you don't think it will hit your area hard, you should still be prepared just in case.
  4. I've been wanting it since I've played the demo. Probably won't be able to get it on release day but I will get it soon.
  5. Yall lucky I don't have a 360 anymore...lol
  6. Was out sledding on this hill. And like the dumbass I am, I went down the wrong side of the hill, completely forgetting there's a log there(it was buried in snow) so I hit the log, I get catapulted off the sled instantly and I land on my ass hard on the icy bike trail below. My ass was sore for like a week(and I know how wrong that sounds but it was lol)
  7. *sigh* Leave it to yall to derail a thread about an earthquake.
  8. I love Chauncey's game, so I'll def take that.
  9. Is it still going? I'm about to get on lol
  10. Haha, I remember being pissed because we picked him over Lawson. Definitely don't regret that pick now. One of the better defenders in the league, imo.
  11. Take it easy guys. Don't turn this into a flame war.
  12. Got this idea from another forum... Basically what the title says. Be honest. I'll start: Eagles - Mark f'n Simoneau...FO was really hyping the dude up like he was the next great LB. - keeping Reno Mahe around for as long as we did. - having Todd Pinkston and James Thrash as starting WRs. - can't forget about that bum Mike McMahon And I'll list a few more names... Greg Lewis Lorenzo Booker Mike Bell the entire career of Freddie Mitchell outside of that one big play. Sean Considine Sean Jones William James goes on and on...
  13. These guys are [expletive]ing hilarious. I've been watching their vids for the past couple days.
  14. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZBThUMHK948&feature=player_embedded
  15. Yeah I already got it sorted out. Playing Pokemon Fire Red right now haha.
  16. So I jailbroke my ipod. So I can play Roms and whatnot now right?
  17. I'm not really a Del Rio fan either, but saying he's talentless is hyperbole to the fullest lol. Give it time. Wrestling fans are so impatient sometimes.
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