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Everything posted by Smitty

  1. I still watch Pokemon and Digimon online frequently, don't judge me.
  2. That's not really hard to do.
  3. ugh. Did not want this guy.
  4. It could have been a decent draft, but when guys like Sullinger, etc dropped out it got worse. I'm more looking forward to seeing what trades will happen.
  5. Stop by Willingboro so I can buy ya a beer.
  6. I was around 16-17 when I joined. 23 now.
  7. Passed the test for this job at USPS I'm trying to get :D I'm [expletive]ing pumped right now.
  8. 2011 was pretty crappy for me at first, but things are looking up. I'll be 24 in September...I see that as when the next major (positive)turning point in my life begins.
  9. I was only using Speccy to grab some info really lol. And I would brag about my specs if my Radeon HD 4870x2 didn't go bad on me
  10. Was wondering when you were going to post in here.
  11. Damn you. I've been looking for one for ages.
  12. Both the kid and the old man were being stupid and immature.
  13. lmao. You're my e-homie Mike <3 (no romo)
  14. I like some of Tyler's stuff. Frank Ocean is that damn dude though.
  15. William Regal and it's not even close. And to reach back a little farther...Dean Malenko. Dude was Daniel Bryan before Daniel Bryan was Daniel Bryan.
  16. Co-signed to the fullest. If it was up to me, workouts would be mandatory.
  17. Thorn isn't gonna give away Iggy for a mere salary dump, though. Sixers would be foolish to take this deal unless the Clippers sweeten it.
  18. For Kaman, Aminu and a pick? Yes. For Kaman straight up? Foolishness.
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