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Everything posted by Smitty

  1. It's pretty decent. Burn Notice >>>>> all other USA network shows though.
  2. Skyrim is going to be [expletive]ing amazing. Wow. I've never been this hyped for a game.
  3. PS+ isn't really that expensive anyway. Less than 20 bucks for 3 months. and around $50 for a year. Besides Brandon, you need to get the Sonic Mega Collection instead. All the Sonic games for only a few bucks.
  4. Man..that is tough. Keep your head up homie. My condolences.
  5. Hope you stick around bro. I like reading your posts lol.
  6. Game is looking smexxxxxy. I've been wanting this since I first saw some gameplay a few months back.
  7. Forgot about Quite Frankly. That show was really good. Still hate that they cancelled it.
  8. Ah..was thinking Stephanie Ready for some reason. Didn't know Liberman was.
  9. If I'm not mistaken, isn't there a female head coach in the NBDL?
  10. Could always use more Sixer fans. Welcome.
  11. http://www.1up.com/news/beginning-the-end-sony-hacker-group These dudes really need lives.
  12. No point in bringing back GM mode. Universe is generally the same thing minus the competing brands and ratings.
  13. They better deliver on it. And they better bring back Create-A-Belt and give more freedom with Universe mode.
  14. I love Screamin A. He is massively hated but I think the dude is awesome lol. Love it when he debates Skip..he just puts him in check.
  15. Sixers. Everyone except for Holiday and Turner(and if a good deal doesn't show up, Iguodala) should be up for grabs.
  16. lol I almost thought in the back of my mind that Prodigy the OTR member told Shaliq to post a rap song for some reason.
  17. Man you must make alot for you to view that as a positive. lol I only got 2 days next week and I'm pissed.
  18. This almost reminds me of when Philly hired Eddie Jordan a couple years ago.
  19. Man I really hate when a dude tries to upstage you just because you know their girl and blatantly does that shit when you're in the same room. Just askin for it lol Yeah, that and Photo usually. I'd rather be the Sims/Team Leader though.
  20. THIS THIS THIS A THOUSAND TIMES THIS. :angry: [expletive]ing hate them with all my heart.
  21. Skyrim, Mass Effect 3, MW3, Old Republic and more info on the new nintendo console are all that matters to me.
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