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Everything posted by Smitty

  1. It happens every week here now. It's so [expletive]ing annoying. I'm so damn tired of snow. I'd Muay Thai knee Mother Nature in the face right now if I could. I swear we're slowly entering a new Ice Age or something...
  2. http://i51.tinypic.com/28a3uag.gif I no longer know you.
  3. Red Lobster's biscuits makes his argument valid and very agreeable.
  4. Damn, atdhe is my go to site for sports games I don't get where I live and wrestling ppvs. Hope they get things running smoothly again.
  5. Holy crap. The crowd went freaking NUTS for Kevin Nash. Wow. You would've thought The Rock returned. Booker T hyped them up too.
  6. Supposedly he might do a little more wrestling before becoming a commentator in WWE(Booker)
  7. Well...*don't click the spoiler if you don't wanna know* Are confirmed as the "secret" entrants this year(the first two names, third is a rumor). Artesticle will be estatic. Anyway....I'll be happy if Punk(who has been the 'predictable' winner to most), Morrison, or Del Rio wins.
  8. Honestly don't know lol. I never really asked him why. He's on xbox live all the time though.
  9. ALCS didn't like the immaturity that was going on at the time or something along those lines. I still notice him lurking every once in a blue moon. HWP doesn't post anymore for whatever reason. And yeah N4S was getting tired of forums so he asked for his account to be banned. Whatever happened to... andreusito platoon Harry(the OG OTR members will remember him lol)
  10. That's true. Well, we'll see what happens as this year goes by. Semi-OT: My previous two posts had to be the longest NBA-related posts I've made since like....2009? Damn.
  11. Flash gets what I mean(well not in those words exactly lol) Adam was just an example really. I'm generally saying a player with amazing skill in college that doesn't translate well into the pros with examples like a Morrison, like a Redick(hell, you can throw Mateen Cleaves in there) Not saying Jimmer WILL be a bust, but at the same time...I've seen hype for this type of player before, and the outcome..
  12. At the same time though...if he keeps this up and his draft stock keeps raising... For some reason I think he may wind up like Adam Morrison or JJ Redick at the pro level. In terms of being an amazing scorer/shooter in college, but that skillset not translating well to the pros at all, and just being a low tier player in the league. Great college player, maaaaaybe not so good pro. Hopefully he proves that theory wrong.
  13. Freaking beast. I love this kid's game.
  14. Louis C.K is amazing..I could listen to him talk about stuff all day.
  15. My one close friend all the time on the weekends yeah going on random adventures, going to parties etc. My other friend/roomate never wants to hang out anymore, locking himself in his room watching movies all day lol. I just smh and carry on. I can't really live like that anymore..I'm getting older.
  16. Wow, only 6? Feels like it's been longer. You're making me feel old, Dee.
  17. Yeah eff that. I'd stay home too. It's annoying though. I'm digging my car out constantly. Cause the snowplow guys are [expletive]ing lazy because they push the snow in our parking lot RIGHT in front my parking spot(mine is right in front of my house), making it 20x harder for me to back out..smh. A giant mini mountain of snow and ice in front of my spot. I'm parking further down till spring.
  18. I'm surprised this didn't already exist for some reason...LOL And the funny part is that I was planning on making fried chicken tonight before I read this... Being black is so lulzy sometimes.
  19. http://i51.tinypic.com/2ij6tck.gif
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