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Everything posted by Smitty

  1. Real Deal likely fixed everyone's post counts from the old board.
  2. Well as far the not being satisfied thing goes, I already figured that. But like..am I doing something right that I don't know about?
  3. For some reason I ALWAYS attract girls that already have boyfriends. I'm not complaining, but..WHAT DOES THIS MEAN?! Do I give off some kind of aura that makes me Idris Elba or something?
  4. All I got to say about that is.. DO IT ANDY!
  5. Well if we could pull in more football fans it could work...maybe.
  6. 1. Why do you fold under pressure? 2. Why do you fold under pressure? 3. Why do you fold under pressure? 4. Why do you fold under pressure? 5. When will you step up as a leader? 6. When will you step up as a leader? 7. When will you step up as a leader? 8. When will you step up as a leader? 9. Why are you so young? 10. .........2012 1st for 15k?
  7. Warren would probably rock that sig even if he didn't lose the bet
  8. Well, time for the North Dakota Lakers and South Dakota Clippers.
  9. http://news.yahoo.com/s/yblog_thelookout/20110117/us_yblog_thelookout/scientists-warn-california-could-be-struck-by-winter-superstorm Scary.
  10. http://i52.tinypic.com/24qin9w.gif [expletive] YEAH
  11. Yeah. Doesn't do it when I switch to Firefox, though. Only on Chrome(which I prefer using)
  12. Whenever I try to read a thread now a giant black box is blocking like 60% of the page..it's getting annoying. I'm using Chrome if that helps.
  13. Ok nvm. It only affects you if you've been born after 2009. So it still applies to Prodigy and Waldo.
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