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Everything posted by Smitty

  1. EA needs to quit now. My Player finally looks like how it should be. I'm gonna drop 50 on LeBron then talk trash about him during the press conference.
  2. He must have been doing terribly if he lost his starting job to Derek f'n Anderson.
  3. I always wake up when I'm falling from a high altitude or in the middle of slipping and falling...idk why.
  4. He'll do 10x better in boxing than in MMA. Like Flash said, he should have done it from the start.
  5. What bothers me more, is trying to defend what she did. I mean...seriously? Even going as far to pull the double standard card? What the [expletive]? This is why I never bother talking about alot of things here nowadays.
  6. 1. Kolb 2. Kolb 3. Kolb 4. Kolb 5. Kolb 6. Kolb 7. Kolb 8. Kolb 9. Kolb 10. Lorenzen 1. P.Manning 2. D.Brees 3. T.Brady 4. A.Rodgers 5. B.Favre 6. P.Rivers 7. T.Romo 8. Big Ben 9. Flacco 10. E.Manning
  7. Well if America/Canada gets on their jobs, we'll have a backup plan by then.
  8. LMAO. You should put a "Real Deal Seal Of Approval" on all your letters.
  9. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4_TzIUlaQok [expletive]...the mass death option sounds better than that.
  10. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jZvBDYS6hsY
  11. Good. He needs to be healthy and ready for when he makes his Sixer debut.
  12. One of my fav shows right now. While he does come across a bit corny at times the rest of the time he's hilarious, especially with how bold he gets with the jokes.
  13. Doesn't she have the "monster" ? .....Would still hit it.
  14. I remember you somewhat, welcome back.
  15. Successfully made fried chicken for the very first time. The Colonel ain't got shizz on me. I don't really do much during the weekdays unless we hear about some party or something. Weekends, however...whole diff ballgame.
  16. Guarantee he'll be in the ASG within 3 years because of this.
  17. I wasn't flaming him for it, just a light rib. Calm down lol
  18. http://i33.tinypic.com/2qb4xfs.jpg ??? And I'm taking Wallace 10 times out of 10. Far superior on both sides of the ball, especially defense. Blocked shots is one of the most overrated stats when trying to measure someones defensive ability.
  19. JERMAINE! :o Welcome back buddeh <3
  20. To the point where you just don't want them to be a part of your life anymore? I'm going through the same thing, it's like every time my mother comes anywhere near me an unnecessary argument starts. Very frustrating.....I just want her to leave me alone for the rest of my life.
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