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Everything posted by Smitty

  1. Really frustrated with life right now

  2. I actually agree lol..that would be interesting.
  3. To be honest I'm more of a NFL fan, but I still love discussing basketball. With that being said... Like others have stated, it's the offseason for the NBA. There won't be much to discuss about at all(unless you're following FIBA) for the next month or so. NFL is finally getting started again and MLB playoffs is almost here, so obviously those are going to get talked about more right now. Don't see what the problem is.
  4. I would deal away Brand/Green/Kapono, and try to get another legit big.
  5. Brandon Graham is pretty godly. I no longer regret passing up on Earl Thomas.
  6. Link Never liked dude tbh...can't say I feel sorry for him lol
  7. They were okay, could've been better though.
  8. Kolb looked good tonight for the time he played. Defense as a whole was crap.
  9. Once again, I miss Jim Johnson.
  10. People seriously believed that? Even I knew he wasn't starting here. He's only useful for those special plays, nothing more.
  11. Yep. My expectations aren't Super Bowl(although I'd love that obviously) But 8-8? That's a bit ridiculous. I'd be shocked if Philly doesn't get at least 10 wins. And Kolb will have a breakout year..he's already looked very poised and accurate in the pre-season, I expect more of the same during the regular season. Jackson will become an elite WR this year as well.
  12. http://i36.tinypic.com/280nnf4.gif
  13. lol @ So many people sleeping on Philly. I love it.
  14. Haha, just messin with ya ECN. I'd be more worried if Skip Bayless said it.
  15. Crap, Kolb is gonna suck now.
  16. My ™ > your ™ IN YOUR FACE! :glasses:
  17. Kevin Kolb. People can sleep on and downplay the Eagles with him at the helm all they want...
  18. Lkr, ask on the official forums for KOTOR. They were pretty helpful for me.
  19. They're nice..but I still like the previous ones more.
  20. No idea, I still use XP lol. It IS a pain trying to re-install it, though. I had to use a crack. Installs fine the first time, then decides it's done after that.
  21. Before I forget...Oblivion and Fallout 3 PC versions are good choices, there's a community that's dedicated to making mods that make the games even better/more challenging. And Starcraft II would also be a good choice I assume(the first game had pretty much a cult following. Couple more.. Mass Effect 1 & 2 Dragon Age: Origins Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic 1 & 2
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