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Everything posted by Smitty

  1. I'm crossing everything I have dude. EVERYTHING.
  2. Wait, really? I always thought that was an L.
  3. Because XBL support for Xbox 1 games will be gone soon. I think. lol
  4. I wanna bang firefox now.
  5. OTR loads fine for me. Firefawkes here.
  6. Because I have the feeling if he's still around, he'll keep going with the "hey he was on the Nets, I should hire him!" philosophy and hire Byron Scott or Lawrence Frank; coaches that would NOT fit the current core of players. And then expect another "stay put, then hope and wait" season. Just too much damage done IMO. Give DiLeo the reigns.
  7. As long as they make Horde mode even more fun, it's an instant purchase. Horde was so fun.
  8. Please win, Orlando. Stop trying to win, Philly.
  9. It's not that serious brah. But sorry for having preferences, I guess.
  10. I'm sayin' , though... I'm not even a titty man and I'm hypnotized by those things.
  11. No..because the scumbags of the world will ALWAYS find a way. Always.
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