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Everything posted by Smitty

  1. I hate yellow. Especially on cars.
  2. Haynesworth has been a lazy bum. He isn't worth the contract.
  3. Um, wow. Thats some hellish news to wake up to. Don't really like him still being in the Division.....but at least the madness is over. Sucks we couldn't get Aso, though. Oh well. Let the Kolb era begin!
  4. I know all about Davis..just don't think he'd do much at all as a Sixer.
  5. No way Philly would take Davis over Henry. They would target a more sure thing than take on another Speights project at this point.
  6. Wait..didn't I have the Suns? I'll take the Spurs then.
  7. Yeah, I'm not going to like trading Sheldon unless we do somehow trade for Asomugha or trade up for Berry(which btw I would probably hump my TV for if it happened)
  8. I'm waiting for DDS PB 2 to come out..because a more recent roster file will more than likely be out by then for that. Doing rosters for PB is much more tedious and time consuming than with FBB. I was gonna just say screw it and just use FBB, but I dunno if anyone would be still down with that.
  9. The Jericho thing was a joke as well. Haha
  10. Not as a tag team. I just thought R-Truth pop lockin in slow mo was funny.
  11. Both came with it, but I gotta give s.t.a.t the slight edge, he had a few nice ones...sorry Dee stat - 1 dee- 0
  12. Yeah, WWE keeps taking this down left and right. Oh well, be able to see it tomorrow.
  13. lol @ you and everything involving spoilers.
  14. I got the Lakers beating the Magic again in the Finals. Ha.
  15. Yeah, I use it. I only tweet maybe once every week or 2 though.
  16. Dude...the thread title STILL makes me LOL.
  17. Yeah, The Show 10 blows this out the water. I just felt MLB 2k10 was too awkward to control.
  18. This isn't going to go anywhere good soon, so.... Locked.
  19. His Greatness just did a fist pump somewhere.
  20. ^Hi mike And Harman it's one story. I don't think I'm allowed to take pics yet..but I'll see.
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