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Everything posted by Smitty

  1. Hmmm...Iggy and Brand for Kobe and Gasol. Lakers would love that trade..Iggy's like Kobe
  2. http://gamevideos.1up.com/video/id/28004 Copped.
  3. From what I read, it seems like not even all the experts have any clue what Ed is trying to do. Ed is really overvaluing his players and even turned down the Amare/J-Rich/Barbosa for Sam/Iggy/Lou deal(which should've been a no brainer to me) and supposedly turned down that rumored Beasley deal(another deal that you should pull the trigger on) Like..what is he really trying to do?
  4. No I meant why wouldn't Ed want him and Brand together?
  5. Interesting quote from the man himself..he'd actually want to stay? Source(2nd page)
  6. I'd like to see this happen...it's long overdue.
  7. No way Amare stays, even if we do get him. I wouldn't blame him. The primary objective of this is $$$.
  8. Honestly Dwight should come back, and LeBron should ACTUALLY join it this time.
  9. If it wasn't funny the first time...usually means you should stop trying.
  10. And Ed S will probably be satisfied because it's "status quo".
  11. I just watched it, and..it was NOT as bad as yall made it out to be lol. It wasn't as good as the previous two, but it wasn't horrible.
  12. his GRE4TNESS (2:30:57 AM): i want to smash brian no homo
  13. A couple of yall really need to chill out. It's not that serious. It's ASW...positive thoughts please.
  14. Yeah, it'd be stupid to waste their best stuff on the dunk-in..it's smart to play it safe.
  15. Does anyone else on OTR actually care about this game? lol Cause it's been entertaining as hell so far.
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