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Everything posted by Smitty

  1. Didn't think he actually WANT to come to Philly at this current stage in his career. Interesting.
  2. Looks like I'll be skipping work again lol
  3. lol, you don't remember the Tittygate year with him and Janet?
  4. Allen, so that His Greatness goes into panic mode.
  5. Yeah, but I know you wanted to. Thanks for signing up. Good luck.
  6. lol I'm here. Yall on now? What should the tag be? [OTR] ?
  7. Updated list. Put your name in Artesticle. Thanks for signing up.
  8. I'll be back on in like a hour or less.
  9. I was beastin after yall left lol
  10. I actually learned Gears pretty quick. I'm kinda beastly in that game now lol. But anyway, Cobb get on
  11. Yeah, lol. I was more used to Killzone 2 on the PS3, which is a bit more slower paced than COD. So when I started playing this it was all WTFBBQ for me. Fun as hell though.
  12. Shut up Cobb hahaha Leave the COD noob alone.
  13. Anybody up for it 2day? Hopefully I won't get knifed to hell this time(bigdog knows lmao)
  14. Nah they still expect you to show up [expletive] that, though.
  15. Yeah my car is pretty much buried right now lol. No point in trying to snowblow it out cause it's still coming down hard.
  16. If more ppl get on ill get on.
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