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Everything posted by Jammin

  1. Downloading music is so easy now because of google lol. This is what I do and I can download 1000 songs in like 10 minutes.
  2. Everyday. Totally not addicted, I could stop whenever I want, but I have no reason to because it doesn't affect my life at all. People who are affected so that much by weed have deeper problems outside of smoking a plant. Not a waste of money unless you're American cuz you pay out the ass for shitty asian weed while in Canada I can get chroooonic by the oz for less then what you guys pay for 1/4oz lol. Never met anyone who's been close to addicted, and I know people who have been smoking for 10+ years, and their parents for 40+ years and have full time jobs, cars, houses fully paid for. My mom admits she used to smoke in the past (70s) and you would NEVER guess she did, she's a completely normal cool mom, doesn't look or act like a crackhead druggie like some people think weed turns you into. Then again weed in Canada is a slap on the wrist. You get caught with anything less then 2oz and they just confiscate it and it's a $65 fine. One joint in most places in the states is potentially 6 months in jail, are you kidding me? I hate when I see people say weed is addictive. Yeah people smoke it all the time, but if you quit smoking cold turkey, you wouldn't have withdrawls or anything like that.
  3. I wanna live in the 70s where no one cared and everyone played basketball. Terribly unathletic basketball, but non-bitch basketball.
  4. I usually hate on Drake but his last 5-6 songs (features or not) are pretty damn good.
  5. ^blows my mind that you can stand being in front of a computer right now lol. Have fun buddy.
  6. definitely not alone, just not in a relationship. i love not having that responsibility. but then again i'm a cynic so when i see people holding hands n being gay it makes me soooo much happier i'm single.
  7. being single is a million times better than being in a relationship lol some people disagree but i don't see how.
  8. ^the dark years begin for you. have fun. relationships suckkkk lol
  9. I'm trying my hardest to fill up my 160gb iPod. So far I've added 2380 songs in the last 2 weeks from other friends iPod's. Total songs: 10,334. Not even close to 160 gb lol.
  10. 1) Everyone took part in the windex fights. Vinegar is the least harmful of all the stuff we sprayed in our fights. Windex, CLR, Swiffer Wet Jets etc were all worse. 2) You were pretending to be a pirate. 3) Just teenage years? 4) love u.
  11. http://www.news1130.com/news/national/article/267704--ndp-leader-jack-layton-dies-of-cancer-tells-new-democrats-to-carry-on Sad stuff. I know most people won't care, but he finished 2nd in the last election and was slowly becoming the favourite. RIP.
  12. My friends boyfriend is staying with someone who works for Microsoft and he's watching them test out the new xbox prototype. He sent her a pic, it's a giant cube with screens on all 4 sides and your body is the remote, I'll try to get her to send me the pic. Crazy. He just sent her another one, you stand on the inside and there's screens all around you, even on the roof.
  13. ^wow. Why is it that everytime they threaten a website with 'imma end you guys!' type threats, nothing major ever happens? It's just down for a few hours and everything's back to normal in like 5 hours.
  14. nvm I guess I deleted it by accident off my iTunes. Sorry. I went full retard.
  15. Otis isn't on the album :S unless RGF gave me the wrong download?
  16. Late 90s, early 00s rap is the best to cruise and burn to. It'll bring back memories and such, good times.
  17. also look at Arena's twitter picture lmao... http://a2.twimg.com/profile_images/1461762851/screencaptured1311654655716.jpg
  18. acids fun. have fun. just go into it with a completely positive mindset and you won't have a bad trip. try not to murder a friend. my sister partied with andrew bynum on saturday, said he was hitting on fat Asian chicks all night. she also saw amare stoudemire and blake griffen.
  19. I was held at the american border for 4 hours while they tore my buddies car apart, had drug dogs sniff me and my friends up and down, called is liars, borderline strip searched us and then let us go because they didn't find anything. Your national security put to work.
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