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Everything posted by Jammin

  1. RUN RUN RUN RUN RUN RUN RUN RUN RUN RUN RUN. Family problems make everything worse for everyone. Seriously. I went through a relationship and my girlfriend had CRAZY family problems and it messed everything up. Plus a long-distance relationship sucks. I was only an hour away, but 12 hours... there's no point. Plus, dude you're going to college. You DO NOT want to have a girlfriend in your 1st year of college. It would ruin the experience honestly.
  2. Definitely not lol I always forget what I'm typing when I'm high.
  3. when it takes you 15 minutes to write a 5-10 word text message.
  4. I just found 5 baby bunnies in my backyard.. Well, my dog found them by digging up their nest. Good boy.
  5. iMessage is amazing, but the notification center and camera features make me jizz.
  6. http://www.apple.com/ios/ios5/ No sense in quoting it because there's over 200 updates, but just go to the link and check it out. Literally everything that people said sucked about the iPhone, other than flash, has been changed. I can't wait!
  7. lmao sorry.. just randomly went up to a club in toronto with Jer and a few other people are just got wrecked on so many levels lol.. all I remember is I sent my sister a text at 2:30am saying 'i love drigs' hahahah.
  8. i got [expletive]in annihilated last night.. wow.
  9. lmaooo it's funny how many NBA players to terrible commercials for their home town. I remember the Suns would have a player on just about every commercial during the season, and there was always an autograph signing at the worst places like grocery stores, or mattress stores haha.
  10. The first one was way funnier, but this one was hilarious too. Only problem was that they made too many jokes about the same situation happened before. I was ok with the first few, but when it was like every 15-20 minutes it kinda got old.
  11. Got some good and bad news at work alst night.. Had this big 'adventure' planned with Jer and some others going to a few shows/raves which woulda been awesome.. but my work is going to be open that day (Thursday, never open) because they booked a top 5 DJ to perform so I can't gooooo. Good news is I'll be working, so free show and I'll be getting paid to be there hahah.
  12. Stop staying in shitty hotels lol. I only sleep in crappy hotels when I'll be too [expletive]ed up to drive lol.
  13. Read more: http://basketball.realgm.com/wiretap/213886/Blazers_Considering_Asking_Roy_To_Retire_To_Clear_Cap_Space#ixzz1NZmnOsuS Wow..
  14. That's awesome. Hopefully he leaves the sides blank, cuz it'll look retarded filled in with stuff.
  15. Would have been excited like 5 or 6 years ago..
  16. I do pretty well for myself yes, I just love how I have 5 days a week off, and my job is pretty much like not working too.
  17. Summmerrrr is the best. I love only working 2 days a week.
  18. Smith + Quentin? Going to be epic. Oh and throw a little Waltz in there too, that's going to be awesome.
  19. Honestly, [expletive] all that tech-noise.. Go to a store and test out each phone. That's what I did. I absolutely LOVE my iPhone, but I know poeple who swear by both Blackberries and Android phones so it's really personal preference. I personally think that the iPhone is the best phone on the market because of it's ease-of-use, massive selection of apps, and speedy processor. Unless you're a hardcore tech nerd, you're not gunna notice a .3 of a second difference when it comes to loading apps, but again it's all personal preference. I use my iPhone for EVERYTHING. Googling everything, listening/searching for songs, playing games, awesome camera (digi-cam quality in the right light), flashlight, photo editor etc etc everything you need, can be done with the iPhone.
  20. You could say that about literally every phone on the market right now.
  21. It's sad that it takes Kobe being down 0-3 in the 2nd round for him to become 'motivated'. He should have been motivated since game 1, round 1.
  22. Good. NBA needs to be consistent with these things.
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