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Everything posted by Jammin

  1. I'm shocked no one has mentioned child abuse/porn/rape.
  2. Koodo gets you with the 'no contract thing' buy adding money to each bill for the phone. Koodo sucks. Rogers is great, Fido is exactly the same. Bell and Telus SUCK do not go with them it'll be a horrible mistake.
  3. You copied me on the first two shirts! haha.
  4. The actual art is good, but koi fish tattoos are super overused, at least here. And persaonlly, I would never get any type of flower tatted on my body. Nothing taking away from you bro, the tattoo looks nice, but I will go a different way with mine.
  5. Honestly? You know you can't post this stuff.
  6. http://kanyelicio.us/http://www.otrbasketball.com/forums/ lmaoo.
  7. Just bought Jay-Z tickets!! October 31st!
  8. LMAO a Saturday detention is the most bottomless threat a school could hand out. I would laugh in my VPs face if he said come here on Saturday hahahahah. And we could have been late/absent as many times as we want. If we missed like 5+ days without excuse then we had to talk to the principal about why we missed so much.
  9. Doesn't surprise me at all, not cool Kanye. I'm sure Beyonce wasn't upset that she didn't win a 'moonman'.
  10. I'm not trying to get past it, I'm just ashamed of it.
  11. Took the words right out of my mouth. BEP are the worst thing to happen to music.
  12. Because I hate everything to do with England so I separate them into different categories since they don't deserve to be grouped with good countries.
  13. You can buy it anywhere and everywhere in Canada, but it is the most disgusting thing ever. I cringe when people tell me how delicious it is, because it tastes like tar.
  14. 1/2 Ukranian 1/4 English (unfortunatly) 1/8 Scottish 1/8 Irish
  15. I would NEVER get that hahaha, but its crazy good.
  16. I've never been drunk, but I have drank a couple times. I used to smoke weed all the time, then I stopped for like 6 years, then I recently started again, but occasionally compared to all the time like I used to. And just because someone smokes or drinks, doesn't mean it 'defines who they are' lmao. The majority of my friends drink regularly, but it doesn't mean people talk about them as 'the person who drinks'. Maybe you think drinking defines who you are at your age, but when you're legal to drink, it'll be harder to find someone who doesn't drink than someone who does drink.
  17. I'm waiting until it comes out then I'm gunna buy it and listen to it.
  18. I'd love to work for Google or RIM.
  19. From something or someone physically stopping your lungs from taking in oxygen. You can't hold your breath to kill yourself, your brain tells you after a certain time to breathe in. You can strangle yourself, you can soffocate yourself with a pillow or something like that, but you can't just hold you breath straight up hahaha.
  20. ^he probably got arrested for stealing other peoples money. But I only pimp Adidas ragz cuz I be hatin' Adidas stripez.
  21. http://img25.imageshack.us/img25/4035/38ks5.jpg lol look how nerdy that one Nazi looks. But really, these pictures are amazing.
  22. lol whaat? The majority of Karmaloop's stuff is cheap. You're not going to find a nice tshirt for less than $20 anywhere other than Walmart.
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