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Everything posted by Jammin

  1. New Jersey N/S Dakota Kentucky Kansas Missouri Mississippi Washington Alaska Maryland Delaware Maine Idaho I would KILL to live in New York or California.
  2. Only vitamin C and ColdFX in the winter.
  3. haha I dont care enough to lie about stuff like that
  4. I'm assuming either Top Thrill or Millenium Force will be my favourite ride. I've only been on Behemoth and that's the tallest coaster I've ever been on so MF or TTD will be new and exciting.
  5. Since I have a girlfriend I only do it 1 time a month... Most people can guess why.
  6. I had a Shih Tzu but my mom hats animals so she gave it away. I WANT a Great Dane and a Border Collie when I move out. I can't wait. I love dogs. Cats are a waste of a pet.
  7. Ken's Steakhouse Honey Mustard. I could drink that [expletive].
  8. As of right now it's Behemoth at Canada's Wonderland... http://photos-h.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc1/hs143.snc1/5296_126816492541_601762541_3036031_129941_n.jpg But as of Tuesday it will be Top Thrill Dragster at Cedar Point... http://photos-b.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc1/hs143.snc1/5293_1086279449081_1589260298_30240097_5220088_n.jpg I'm going Monday and Tuesday, I can't wait!!!
  9. I reallly don't have to prove myself with a video lol, it's not worth the time or effort to brag to a bunch of people I've never met, or will never meet.
  10. Than why are you bragging about hitting 100mph?
  11. I hit 100 nearly every time I drive to work, it's not that big of an accomplishment. I've hit 190kmh like 4 or 5 times driving out on the deserted roads in my city.
  12. ^short, just you. And In-N-Out is easily the best burger I've ever had.
  13. I bought some shoes, and I was pissed cuz I spent so much but then I went to the casino the next day and won $300 so I'm happy again
  14. What is so hard to believe about that? Not everyone that goes to Sundance is from Utah, that is more unbelieveable than an out-of-towner going to it.
  15. hahahhaha nahh, that was a potential until the other came along........ and made out with someone else during his pickup attempt.
  16. Gaaaaaaaaay. Jesse McCartney is the epitome of homosexual singers.
  17. I've been a Suns fan for 14 years. I don't hate, I'm just not totally blind to their weaknesses and things like that.
  18. I didn't really expect it whatsoever but it was still a good movie. I'm usually critical of movies, and don't listen to critics at all so I'm not a 'such an amazing movie!!!' to every movie I watch like alot of people on here.
  19. Ed Hardy Tapout Affliction Hollister AE A&F Christin Audinger or w/e All are horrible, horrible brands. Ed Hardy is the worst tho, what non-homosexual man wants sparkles and sequins on his shirt?
  20. lmao "Shiloh Buff" hahahahahahaha
  21. Has anyone seen this? I was forced to see it tonight by my girlfriend, I was scared to death cuz I get scared at every partially scary movie. Buuuuutttt, it was actually really good. There was a solid amount of comic relief, there wasn't any pop up scary parts, and I was on the edge of my seat the entire move. Very suspenseful! I would recommend it for sure.
  22. Suns also lead the league in drafting the extremely-less-talented brothers of NCAA stars.
  23. Saw it in theatres when it came out, I loved it, it was definitely one of my favourite comedies.
  24. Anne Hathaway is a ghostly looking girl, shes so pale, and her eyes are too big for her face.
  25. http://sports.espn.go.com/nba/news/story?id=4341269 That is why we're in financial trouble.
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