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Everything posted by Teletopez

  1. Thanks for the invite. I would love to, however schoolnights don't work for me, at least for the next couple of months. Only exception I am making for that is next Thursday.
  2. Pujols didn't win WS MVP last year, and he had a three-HR game.
  3. Bleh, Chandler had to leave the game due to a sore knee. That pretty much negates any meaning left to the result of this game. Still worth checking out Melo vs. Crash.
  4. Islanders are Brooklyn-bound!

  5. The Decision was an awful idea. However, it had a lot of influence from the clowns that were advising LeBron and taking care of his marketing side. If he was judged solely by that, he would have been nowhere near as demonized as he was. LeBron, for the most part, kept his mouth shut (someone correct me if I'm wrong; he did nothing more than wear a Yankee hat and some stupid shirts) and played basketball until the end of the season. He made it clear that he would make the decision that was best for him. The man took less money to jump at an opportunity I doubt most would have resisted: playing alongside a superstar and an all-star.
  6. By February, Dwight was worse than the rest combined.
  7. Crazy stuff. Haha. So he didn't even plan the moment at which to step onto the court, when the attention was on Hakeem? That's nuts.
  8. -__________- I need to stop setting myself up for these comebacks.
  9. Trying to be like the best http://media.zenfs.com/en/blogs/sptusnbaexperts/BLtop92612.jpg
  10. Very ugly first quarter for the Nets. Better execution in the first few minutes of the second. Second unit, thus far, looks a lot better than expected. Defense looks lost.
  11. Bleh. Thanks for the condolences. Should be an interesting winter.
  12. Annual member awards for humor and recognition are fine. Anything more frequent than once a year is going to be way too much.
  13. Girardi had Swisher over A-Rod ready to pinch-hit on deck............ CC in Games 4 and 7. We can do this. Perhaps we can start having at-bats like the ones in tonight's ninth inning throughout the game.
  14. I'm a fan of it. I like quick access to the message board through a widget on my home screen. Has some neat pluses as well.
  15. Blatche with another outstanding showing. Nice to see Tele bouncing back. Evans with his expected dominance off the glass. Shengelia finally got playing time and had a great game offensively. Starters will probably be back in action Thursday.
  16. After today's performance by the Nets' second unit, I am assured that the Nets are cooking up a 98-0 run, and anyone who thinks otherwise can go sulk over their team's incompetence.
  17. The latter, lol. Hard for me to picture what a fluid layout would look like. I have no issues with the current format, though.
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