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Everything posted by Teletopez

  1. http://a7.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/224793_10150175012831536_39606211535_7304170_5467500_n.jpg
  2. If Otis Smith sticks to his word and does not trade Howard, then this becomes possible. I'm still not sold on Dwight being ready to leave Orlando, though.
  3. 3D Seat Viewer made public. Notice "Brooklyn Nets" on the baseline and the zigzags along the side of the paint.
  4. Members at NetsDaily noted the resemblance of Conseco Fieldhouse, also designed by Ellerbe Beckett. http://www.ellerbebecket.com/images/cms/m_d37cfh.JPG
  5. http://www.aecom.com/deployedfiles/Intranet/Business%20Lines/Planning,%20Design%20&%20Development/Images_MacArthur/BarclaysBowl.jpg http://www.aecom.com/deployedfiles/Intranet/Business%20Lines/Planning,%20Design%20&%20Development/Images_MacArthur/BarclaysCenter_Interiors_2.jpg http://www.aecom.com/deployedfiles/Intranet/Business%20Lines/Planning,%20Design%20&%20Development/Images_MacArthur/BarclaysCenter_Interiors_1%20copy.jpg AECOM
  6. Posada insists there is no connection between his not catching and his struggles at the plate, but who knows... that might be the cause. If it is, I guess it's only a matter of adjustment. Hopefully, this is the beginning to production from Jeter. Cervelli said he had no idea the bases were loaded when he hit the HR. Only the second homer of his career, the first being in Atlanta in 2009, right after Girardi was tossed.
  7. Posada is still struggling, so I don't see why the Yankees shouldn't consider calling up Vazquez or Montero. I would send Nunez back so he can return to an everyday role, while Pena can be the utility infielder. Vazquez is hitting .293/.315/.537, Montero .354/.370/.438. Both Girardi and Cashman have been supportive of Posada, but I don't see why they shouldn't give him at least a couple days off.
  8. Derek Jeter just hit his first home run of the season!
  9. http://i1234.photobucket.com/albums/ff407/TheBronxBrooklyn/pinkbat.png
  10. 1) Who should Houston look to hire as head coach? 2) If Yao's health issues were to completely end and he could return next season, what kind of numbers would you expect from him? 3) You have only one shot at giving Otis Smith a trade offer for Dwight Howard for him to accept. What is the deal? 4) What is the farthest you think the Rockets could have gone in the playoffs without T-Mac or Yao injured? 5) Where would you say T-Mac's 13 in 35 ranks among all-time single game performances? 6) Should the Rockets replace Clutch the bear with a rocket as their mascot? 7) Top three NBA playoff series of all-time? 8) Do you think the Rockets should hire a new PA announcer? 9) Ever been to a Reno D-League game? 10) How do your basketball skills compare to Confidence's and Prodigy's? 11) Who do you think has the better future? The Nets or the Clippers? 12) Best regular season game of 2010-11? Well done.
  11. Everything from here onwards was meant to be in this thread. Ethier's hitting streak is over at 30.
  12. Frustrating sixth foul for Perkins. Seemed like indecision over whether to take the charge, and a weak foul ensued.
  13. A number of one-and-done's for the Thunder. They haven't had a field goal since the 5:29 mark.
  14. Memphis outscoring OKC 22-8 in the fourth quarter thus far.
  15. I wasn't serious in guaranteeing that. Too early to guarantee how things go. But "no way?" There's a legitimate chance at either team beating out the other.
  16. Go for Rollie Fingers. They could add Damon, Manny, and Pedro to the BoSox.
  17. Number 12 was off the plate. I didn't see number 5, but from what I've read, it was definitely a strike.
  18. http://oi53.tinypic.com/343qjcz.jpg Concrete sections have been added to the lower bowl.
  19. He got it. Second of his career. He faced the minimum 27 batters. Just walked Arencibia in the 8th inning on a close 3-2 pitch but erased the BB with a DP. Second no-hitter in the last week. Ironically a day before Mother's Day a year after Braden threw his perfect game on Mother's Day. Gallardo took a no-hitter into the eighth inning against St. Louis.
  20. http://mlb.mlb.com/video/play.jsp?topic_id=6350584 Verlander one out away from a no-no.
  21. That's correct. For the Nets... http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_mJPzxRaCL64/S5JO2Lw_GwI/AAAAAAAAJjo/CrLPx9cOTas/s400/ishot-2097.jpg
  22. http://www.otrbasketball.com/forums/topic/22724-sports-fan-displays-his-vision-of-brooklyn-uniforms-and-court/
  23. Latest set of photos (taken from all around the construction site). Short video of Deron visiting the construction site. Chris Broussard after touring the construction site.
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