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Everything posted by Teletopez

  1. Probably about twelve years ago

  2. Game has been postponed to Monday, November 26. I got a refund for the game. Even if I do choose to go (probably won't, being that it's a Monday night), I'd like to spend less than what I did for what was originally the arena opener against the Knicks.
  3. Apparently most athletes go through the issue at some point in the career. He got a cortisone injection for it a couple days ago and feels fine now. He'll try to play the season through it and will try to push back the surgery to next summer.
  4. Nets-Knicks rescheduled for November 26.

  5. Ticket prices on resale markets also dropped like crazy, so anyone whose tickets got sold really got screwed over.
  6. No idea why they rushed the announcement yesterday. I was expecting the announcement to be today anyway. Two nights before with so much transportation uncertainty was a terrible decision and probably caused a bunch of people to purchase parking passes and make hasty decisions. The postponement seems to be a good move for the most part. I just feel bad for all the people traveling from outside the U.S. to see this game.
  7. Nets-Knicks now postponed.

  8. Then they'd have to push back the Toronto game. And I believe there are other Barclays Center events sprinkled around the Nets' schedule, so there weren't a whole lot of options. I'm happy for the Nets fans traveling from afar that don't get their trip plans thrown off by a changed date (although transportation is quite the challenge now).
  9. Announced not too long ago that the game is still scheduled for November 1. Subway situation will be evaluated tomorrow. About 75% of attendance was expected to use public transportation, so hopefully everything still works out. Will be truly something if we're still seeing a packed crowd that night.
  10. Nets-Knicks November 1 is still on. Gotta figure out a way to get there.

  11. Got power back a little while ago. Really, really blessed that I had it easy. Thought we wouldn't have power for several more days. No significant damage for me. Couple fallen small pine trees in the backyard (one of which is back up) and that's about it. Others here have had it worse. There was already a fully grown oak tree spread across a main road well before the major part of the storm hit. New York got shelled, unfortunately. Hope everyone else is doing well. Sorry about the car, Chris.
  12. Here's the third and latest episode, probably the one you guys will enjoy the most. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k0xSlKbYVRM First two: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ka9m3-RhBR0&feature=plcp http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rlrCu8gXAx4&feature=relmfu
  13. Lol, I was joking that he was posting in the middle of a pool of baseball fans. Anyway, these playoffs are why I love October. Four Game 5s, plus a team going 7-0 in elimination games en route to a World Series victory.
  14. That jerk Ryan Theriot played for the WS winner in back-to-back years.
  15. PFM hurt his right thumb in his throwing motion against a Saint's helmet near the end of the first half. Appears to be fine now.
  16. http://i.imgur.com/GOeuE.jpg http://i.imgur.com/vThHD.jpg http://i.imgur.com/jf5Ci.jpg http://i.imgur.com/5xA8Q.jpg http://i.imgur.com/OdkC0.jpg http://i.imgur.com/G4LTD.jpg http://i.imgur.com/3GDqT.jpg
  17. Brett Yormark, for whatever reason, decided to take shots at Daniel Goldstein and Norman Oder (arena critics) on Twitter today.
  18. Ah, true. He'd be a restricted free agent anyway if he were to let the contract run out, right?
  19. Was Harden agreeing to an extension with Houston part of the deal? If not, Houston's got work to do.
  20. It was for the Yankees and most, if not all, the others. Not sure if anyone had three days.
  21. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UKFPO7725Rw&list=PLp02URwEA-JDbWtJ-BNJbI_uYSKEgpQv3&index=1&feature=plpp_video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sASFGRyPxno&list=PLp02URwEA-JDbWtJ-BNJbI_uYSKEgpQv3&index=2&feature=plpp_video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=slo1T8Tmsfg&list=PLp02URwEA-JDbWtJ-BNJbI_uYSKEgpQv3&index=3&feature=plpp_video Episode 2 is set to air 11/2.
  22. Probably. First time they've had five days without a game since February.
  23. Nah. I mean I thought that. But you had Orlando celebrating like they locked him up for another five years and the rest of the NBA speculating over whether the win against Chicago convinced him his best option was to stay with the Magic long-term.
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