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Force last won the day on September 13 2010

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About Force

  • Birthday 08/15/1994

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  1. Its super dope man…I love it. Definitely a work hard, play hard school.
  2. Whattup fam? Its been a while eh? Great to see this site back up with most of the similar faces…it’s crazy how I was in 6th grade when I joined and I’m 3rd year university now. I’m currently taking finance and econ at UWO…also a part time server and building my network marketing business. A lot of changes and wild stories have occurred but they’d take way too long to type and aren’t as nearly as life changing as others that have been posted already. Hope everyone been doing great as well and didn’t miss me too much *looks as smitty*
  3. Kobe took a shit on Josh Smith with that dunk...LAWD.
  4. Slaven that was fukkin you? Strong wtf.. good job bro...lol @ u rocking misc clothing for reps
  5. went to Swedish House Mafia yesterday Un[expletive]ingbelievable..those three absolutely killed it
  6. brb waiting for 4th quarter hoping its a close game
  7. did not read a single fukkin word, srs ^ pls go
  8. Bidets are amazing..everyone shud have one /thread
  9. Cena needs to start rapping again..srs
  10. found nude pics of her in the shower http://sphotos-g.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash3/734618_10152451853345612_1858158274_n.jpg
  11. #mambatweets not sure how i feel about that lol
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