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Everything posted by CaliCurbStomppa

  1. Im shocked they pulled this. Eagles are clearly fav to go to SB.
  2. sigh i didnt even know we were starting early..... i was out all day yetersday
  3. Im hearing lots of rumors that Raiders are making a big splash for Antonio Cromartie.
  4. Andre Johnson for sure. Hes total package. Hes a complete player as WR. Its a tough comparison for sure but nobody in the league is playing at level of Andre Johnson. On other side Calvin is def a top 3 in league.
  5. offline b/c i agree we need make this league as active it can be. Its gay when we have teams that don't pay attention b/c they miss the draft.
  6. Woah.. Woah.. WOAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Did you just talked trash to CaliCurbStomppa? Nobody and I mean NOBODY ever talk trash to CaliCurbStomppa... You say you are The Fish? Well Fish my ass!!! I'll show you and everybody else here why i am the most.... ELECTRIFYING MAN IN SPORTS ENTERTAINMENT!!! Just.. BRING IT FISHY!!!
  7. Im going to whup all of your candy asses and become the league champion do you smell what the calicurbstomppa is cooking??
  8. Finally! Glad football is coming back in one more month
  9. I still think he will work but hes stepping down in a lot stuff and letting HHH take over. I can tell last night it was hard for Vince even tho he tried play it as storyline. I think Triple H gonna do well b/c hes old school which I like so i think he will put this business on top
  10. http://a3.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc6/268012_669962248551_43002862_35130352_1701775_n.jpg
  11. ill post one on Sunday i have wait b/c this message board i go to ppl always have something online to see ppv
  12. Hey guys I won't be on much since I'll be in Vegas leaving 3am today which is in couple hrs lol.. If I win few millions I'll lend u guys some shit lol. Wish me luck I never been to west side so I'm Lookin forward bc it gonna be so [expletive]in badddd ass!!!
  13. lolllll i knew something would be coming soon with him. i just had a feeling
  14. The Dark Knight Rises is fliming 30 mins from where i live. im going to go up next month to watch the set. it gonna be awesome
  15. Didn't know who was Mike Tyson was until he came to WWF to be special guest enforcer for Stone Cold/HBK WWF Title match at Wrestlemania lol...
  16. Hey guys i have telll you this remind me when Steelers won Super Bowl with Bettis. Just like Dallas wanted to win it for Kidd, Dirk, and Jet. Look back in 2005 nobody believed Steelers could do it because we choke and nobody would give us a chance but we proved everyone wrong. Same for Dallas, they didnt even think they could get out of first round or complete with the Lakers but they proved us wrong and now they are the champion of the world... Im happy for Dirk b/c hes such a great player... Just wanted point that out what u think guys?
  17. Same i love my iphone 4. My bro has androids and its alright but i dont really know much about it
  18. I got a feeling Bron going to be in beast attack mode game 6 & game 7
  19. You can always eat some fruits for breakfast with oatmeal to get your day going. Or just have protein shake for your breakfast.
  20. I agree wuth CM Punk being #1. Hes hottest superstar WWE got and they cant even use him right. He has great charisma, hes very good in the ring and he can interact with the crowd, its sad they cant do anything with him. It reminds me when they never push Jericho for years because he was one of the best at one point and was always hold back. I think John Morrison and Daniel Bryan are under appreciated. Both are amazing in the ring it just their charisma skill are holding them back.
  21. Really??? *looks at crowd* Really??? REALLY???
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