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Everything posted by CaliCurbStomppa

  1. Bucs had a great year just too bad they couldnt get in the playoffs.
  2. AFC North Champs woooooooo! We definitely need to rest our players
  3. He was very rusty tonight but that won't be a problem because I know Melo will get his game back right away.. Maybe next game or the game after that.
  4. I think he will retire because he been talking about retirement plan for a few years
  5. This isn't going to be easy because Cleveland knows us so well. This probably be close but I have faith that the Steelers will find a way to close this out. Remember if we win tomorrow we get #2 seed with a bye but if we loses and Ravens win then Ravens will be #2 seed.
  6. I hope Packers win tomorrow because I rather see them in playoffs than The Giants
  7. Not good... Dirk gonna have to carry the workload when he returns but they still have Terry and Marion
  8. I agree Rams will shock the world and win the Super Bowl
  9. What were Wisconsin thinking in the 2nd half? You burned two timeouts which was stupid.. That last drive was just poor management. You only have one timeout left and you still need score a touchdown plus the 2pt conversation. Can't do that in a big game like the Rose Bowl.. BTW #43 for TCU is a warrior. He was all over the field.
  10. I watched the game.. It was pretty awesome that the game was at night.
  11. http://www.smartcine.com/images/the_social_network_blu_ray.jpg
  12. For me i just want get much stronger and more ripped lol.. Also I want to be very healthy.. What about you guys?
  13. Jacory Harris played fine last year i have no idea why he cant do [expletive]. It seems he lost his confidence... He isn't the same but I never thought he was that good anyway... All he does is lob the ball. He doesnt even throw it hard or whatever
  14. damn man you look like u were gonna kill yourself lol.. Better make sure you have a spotter you dont want to injury yourself badly.. BTW how come you dont lift as much you used to?
  15. I havent benched for awhile since i been on the p90x program but i could bench 245 or so when i was lifting. I know for a fact i lost a lot of strength so i definitely went down but i honestly dont care. Right now i can do around 300 pushups or more a day and a lot people who can bench a lot probably cant do that many pushups if you ask me.
  16. Yea but he might be facing Brock Lesnar at Wrestlemania if he can somehow get out of a contract with them. If not most likely Wade Barrett will face Undertaker
  17. I think Warriors and they been hit with injuries so they should be winning some more games soon. Rockets aren't so bad either
  18. It went good. I did 1 round then almost a 2nd round then i stopped after Thanksgiving and just lifted weights in gym.. Im gonna start it all over this Monday.

  19. yoo how u been? funny you came back cuz i came back like a month ago or something. anyway how did p90x go for you?

  20. I just watched it this morning and i really liked it. I thought it was well made, the story was great. Definitely one of top 3 best movies for this year IMO
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