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Everything posted by CaliCurbStomppa

  1. http://sports.espn.go.com/nfl/news/story?id=5413917 Sad day. He was one of the most fearless player to ever play the game.
  2. They will be good but i still think Celtics, Heat, Magic are better.
  3. Wow this is real good. Im surprised they made the Super Bowl Celebration really good now.
  4. Well i started my first day and it was tough. I was sweating which was good. I did about 150 pushups the whole workout but i struggled at pullups but i know ill get better soon. Im so sore tho and im loving it so far. Im ready for tomorrow and ill be doing Plyometrics have no clue what expect.
  5. If McGrady signs with Bulls and start for them do you see him being like the comeback player of the year?
  6. I think it should be something orginal like NWE, SGW, PWA, PWO, CWE, nEw, etc. But u said u want it to be like OTRBasketball dont really understand why
  7. Name:Jon Wyld Height: 6'4 Weight: 290 Hometown: Pittsburgh, PA Nicknames: The Viper Theme Music: Gimmick: Cocky Manager:N/A Wrestling Style:Powerful Character Rep (A celebrity that you want to represent you, be it a wrestler, musician, actor, etc.):Randy Orton Description of Entrance:I come out with a jacket on me with a hood over my head like AJ Styles then i just walk down ramp and get up on apron and go nuts like Triple H does which make my hood goes off as i raise my arms up. I get in ring and climb on turnbuckle and pose to fans. Moveset: (For a list of moves w/descriptions, visit http://www.deathvalleydriver.com/bbbowm/bbbowm.htm ) - Up To 15 Grappling Moves 4 german suplexs in a row Gutwrench DDT European uppercut Spinebuster Spear Clothlines Diving crossbody O-Zone Dropkick Mounted punches Super Kick Elbow Drop from Top Rope - Up To 2 Submission Holds Sharpshooter, Crossface - Up To 2 Rest Holds - Up To 2 Set-Up Moves RKO (I call it the Wyld Bomber) - Up To 3 Finishing Moves Frog Splash - CHEATING LEVEL One man con–chair–to
  8. damn i was too late cuz i was at a wedding all day yetersday
  9. You should go with Nitro i like that more
  10. Maybe we should cast a vote on what we wanna do?
  11. Heres a rp i did about 2 years ago. I had a good run going for World Title but it didnt last long. http://calicurbstomppa.webs.com/003.html I used to rp on these stuff etc. IDK if any of u guys did where i was at ppl always rping on stuff like i showed u. Wish i had more but most of my stuff is deleted on geocities since it shut down.
  12. Are we doing real one with wrestlers from wwe, tna, ecw, wcw, indys, etc? Im surprised we doing it on forums. i mean i know some do it and were wont be big so no point in making a site or w/e but around my time they always had a website made with good gfx and [expletive].
  13. I did a lot efeds when i was young but i been retired for 2 years or so. I been doing them for almost 7 years so i had a lot of fun doing them. I even ran a few efeds myself but only had 2 successful runs which the longest been 8 months. I guess id be interested but it depends. I only do real ones not really a big fan of fake ones
  14. You def have fun in Europe. Take lots of pics to show us
  15. BTW i wonder if they even planning to do this? I havent heard anything
  16. Will Smith is my fav actor all time and you're right i didnt think Seven Pounds was good as i thought.
  17. I just got all equipment i need so im ready roll this Monday. Ill be doing the classic schedule tho. Cant wait
  18. He is still around but just doing indy booking but i heard he trying make a comeback soon to WWE or return to TNA. He been busy with his wrestling school in Texas that he has with his brother Stevie Ray.
  19. It probably is. I still wonder how hes in great shape and still eat candy? Hes so lucky to have a great body because his family probably got great genetics where nobody in family will ever get fat and u can eat whatever you want.
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