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Jesse The Body

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Everything posted by Jesse The Body

  1. Very nice, if You have time you should do a Dez Bryant one.
  2. Oh I see, well do you fallow any European clubs?
  3. What? What a moron yea I agree with the person above a moron like this is pointless to keep alive he needs the chair from small voltage to high voltage so he feels the pain of ours.
  4. Oh yeah of course and there will be much more then just icebergs melting, much worse stuff is to come.
  5. I question that as well and they have a strong connection with Freemason and a lot of them are Freemason. I've heard that a lot of this devil worshiping started in Scotland and spread down to England and now England is the major part of devil worshiping and there is on millions of Freemason in England, there is some kind of festival (which I have no clue whats it called) where all the Freemasons around the world go to this one town in England. Now there is a lot of Freemasons out there in the world so I'm assuming some of them have no clue about this so it could be just the elite Freemasons that go there. But just makes me question why England? And also through out history Anglo-Saxon (not tryin to offend anyone) have been very cruel people around the world, when you do look at history. Just one fact out there, the slaugther of 50 million Native Americas is just one thing and I remember my high school never talked about this topic, yeah they talked about American history but never said anything about 50 million.
  6. But the ending just had me thinking like really? They are that advanced to do something like that, cause what I got from the video that ones who watch it correct me if I'm wrong, are they saying that was a fake airplane and some dude in the stealth bomber destroyed the buildings?
  7. [---Source] Check it out folks, talks about Syria as well and what is happening over there and bunch of other shit.
  8. [--->Source] I would like to get your thoughts on this. The video is about 21mintues and the end is just shocking and it's a huge predictions.
  9. [--->Source] Stunning photo shows a big hole on Mars
  10. Nice, yeah weather is changing so fast. Looks like what Mayans an another ancinet civilizations predicted about our era is true.
  11. There always has to be one person comparing war to bunch of gang bangers haha.
  12. Have a good night folks, I gotta get going. Time to penis pump.
  13. Haha right on, yeah I'm just weird like that see odd shit.
  14. Such a crazy situation that is happening over there. There are multipable stories I've heard this side wants this, another side wants this an so on. It seems to be that someone has stried(sp?) up this conflict so that someone could gain something in the end.
  15. He just said that this life is short compared to the hereafter and this life has no of matter. It's only of a test and this life is a prsion for your spirit, maybe to go through a learning exp for the hereafter?
  16. Indeed my friend well said. I've heard a person can live 100 years or even 200 years old (We don't know anyone that lived that long in our modern era or 1,000 years ago. But a person could live 100 or 200 years or and that amount of time will NOT even equal 0.5second in the hereafter! Not even ONE FULL second. This life and body is a prison for you spirit.
  17. Oh yeah I bet I'm quite aware of the Mars subject and also what all sorta things they found there. Now if you look back in to our human history more then 2,000+ years ago (stuff you dont like ^_^ ) you find a lot of connects with what was at Mars and so on. Our past history can teach us a lot my friend. And no worries bro and I as well respect your opinions as well. You're a quite educated 19 yeard old I should say, keep it up.
  18. Right on man, might run in to each other over there ^_^
  19. That's awesome, I'm liking the tree's tits.
  20. Wow bro, you are taking this way to personal. I never said that I didn't believe you that you took Astronomy. I said I just wanted you to explain what you know about it. Which a lot of people know what you know about planets. But I'm looking for answers to space for LIFE forms not just study rocks, gases, etc... I never doubted you that you didn't take Astronomy but I know in the Astronomy class you had. You didn't find another race out there or any kind of life form. That is what I was talking about when I said WHO KNOWS WHATS OUT THERE. Because the only way for us to find out is if we our selves go there. Because NASA for sure will not tell the public if they found Life form. Do you understand me a little more now. And take it easy man, no one here is against your ideas, opinions. We are just sharing.
  21. That totally wasn't his opinion. You just took it the WAY opposite way buddy.
  22. You need to calm down man, you are totally misundertand everything I've said and Sħãlïq̵'. You are just going off what you read from the textbook and call it good and think that is true. You don't know me and I don't need to explain myself in further detail because aren't capable of understanding what I've said. And once again you again haven't said anything about space or anything you are just blowing hot air and putting words in to people have telling them this is how they believe and stuff like that. If you cannot handle this discussion then you know what to do.
  23. LMFAO damn, but a huge laugh smile on my face.
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