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Jesse The Body

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Everything posted by Jesse The Body

  1. Did you tell her that? Tell her how you feel and it will get your somewhere.
  2. Thanks for the list guys I'll go check them out.
  3. http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_-giI3TThw9E/SYcJYzMkWiI/AAAAAAAAGVs/Jxpz5FISvlk/s320/frozen-dildo.jpg lawl!
  4. Those Cristiano Ronaldo pictures were pretty funny. But did you guys see his girlfriend? You bust a nut by just looking at her.
  5. Since I have no clue who this guy is and what he did can someone explain to me what he did to get his punishment? I know he stole money but how?
  6. OFFICIAL: Diego Milito will be joining Inter Milan for 30 Million Euros! And he is 30 years old hahah.
  7. Yeah, I don't know much whats going on in Asia but I heard Iran almost made it.
  8. You better get a 360 or a PS3 because it's more fun on it then on Wii wtf? But I'm def. going to get 2K10 on 360 it's going to be insane.
  9. Alright broski you're the man!
  10. Good stuff! I really like everything about it, I can't wait to see him play it will be enjoyable I think he will do fine. Do you think you can make me a Knicks signature? Just a 350x90 sig something fancy but simple. No player just New York Knicks their colours and under their name the years they won the Championship (1970 & 1973). Let me know if you can do it.
  11. We can throw that in, if it makes you feel better :o So does anyone wanna start placing bets down? If he can make it or not?
  12. Yeah so he can be the LeBron James replacement
  13. Year Started being a fan: I don't know. Favorite All Time Player: Patrick ChEwing Favorite Current Player: Wilson Chandler and Gallo Favorite Knicks Moment: Don't have one.... We suck. # Of Games Attended: 0 # Of Players Met: 0
  14. People that drive really slow and don;t use turn signals.
  15. I hate Walton also, he is just awful. I think he is playing for free for the Lakers.
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