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Cleveland's Finest

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Everything posted by Cleveland's Finest

  1. I want the T-wolves to get the 1st pick and see who they get. Another guard? or go for someone else?
  2. Barkley was on the Jim Rome show and thinks Lebron should stay in Cleveland...says it would mean more if he won a championship here than in any other city. Here's what he said, click the link. http://twaud.io/XWc
  3. Also Jay-Z, and LeBron has said previously he'd love to play with Devin Harris. Now sure how the Harris/Wall situation works out.
  4. No matter what happens, so many cities are gonna be pissed if they don't get LeBron. Imagine if he plays a game as a Cav in New York? Or as a Bull with Noah in Cleveland?
  5. See I don't believe that because all season he was very quiet and tried to fit in. However, I think I was trying to hard to make myself like the Shaq deal because deep down inside I knew it just wouldn't work, but then again, what will work with LeBron. Still trying to figure that out.
  6. We're gonna get multiple reports every day for the next month and a half, so I'm gonna stop trying to come to conclusions and just let LeBron enjoy what he's been waiting for having the media all over him. LeBron probably loves this. This is his NBA championship to him. Imo, if he left, he'd be good enough to do a sign and trade. From a Bynum and Shannon Brown for LeBron to Deng and Rose for LeBron the S&T's are also good ideas.
  7. Ric Bucher said if the Cavs get Ray Allen and resign Bron they can definitely contend, mentioning Verajao's value also. A clutch jump shooter in Ray Allen would be a solid pickup. And we really don't need much more other than trading Delonte and contracts for Andre Miller to push the unclutch Mo to the bench.
  8. Exactly. Is it me or is home court a curse for these elite east teams? Cavs, Celtics last year had home court and lost to Magic. Celtics beat Cavs and now take home court from Magic this year. I think the teams are more motivated on the road. When the Celtics ugly a game up, they have a great chance of winning. Dwight's performance today has been questionable. At least he's into it unlike LeBron.
  9. Great start. I want the Celtics to beat this team bad so Magic fans feel how Cavs fans feel.
  10. LeBron dealt with that in his first few seasons whereas D-Wade began his career playing with the likes of Lamar Odom, Caron Butler, Shaq, etc....the tables have turned is all. Don't act like LeBron didn't have this when he started playing.
  11. Cavs can still pick up a big name with the money that would've been for James. All is not completely lost just yet. The Cavs have a good financial relation with some big Japanese company which was part of getting LeBron to stay, so that adds some stability. I still agree though, but it's not like if LeBron leaves the Cavs can't change their roster.
  12. Game 1 winner: Suns Game 2 winner: Lakers Game 3 winner: Suns Game 4 winner: Lakers Game 5 winner (if necessary): Lakers Game 6 winner (if necessary): Suns Game 7 winner (if necessary): Lakers 3 correct = 30 PTS 4 incorrect = -40 PTS series winner = 10 PTS 0 PTS
  13. Game 1 winner:Boston Game 2 winner:Orlando Game 3 winner:Orlando Game 4 winner:Boston Game 5 winner (if necessary):Orlando Game 6 winner (if necessary):Boston Game 7 winner (if necessary):Boston 3 correct = 30 PTS 4 incorrect = -40 PTS series winner = 10 PTS 0 PTS
  14. Same experts who all picked Cavs to beat Celtics. Celts win this on their way to a 7 game series win.
  15. Another idea is Darren Collison at pg. Hornets would want to give him up since they have to trade him or Paul.
  16. With Bayless emerging and other guys like Mills ready to play, I could see Miller going easily. Especially if we could send in return a guy like Delonte or Mo who could fill in his role if they really wanted another pg.
  17. I think if the Cavs could get Andre Miller as their new point guard, then we solve the problem. Miller is a good defender, has a good jumper, and can direct the team if needed. Whether it involves trading Mo or Delonte, I think he would be a wise pick up. Now I think Chandler would be a great asset. First of all, he's got the size to match up with Dwight and Kendrick, and he can run the floor. As we saw from JJ, LeBron plays well with athletic bigs.
  18. KG was what, 31 when he left? LeBron is 25.... And LeBron requested that management got those players. LBJ thought Jamison was a better choice than Amare.
  19. http://i92.photobucket.com/albums/l31/glen_hotcards/Screenshot2010-04-13at94459AM.png Here's a few reasons: 1. Home: Only so many stars have the opportunity to play in their home state their whole career. It adds a special meaning to his impact on this city and it's sports world. Also, it doesn't get any easier family wise for him. He's got everything situated and it won't change if he stays here. No relocating his family. Home is the one thing Cavs fans can use to connect with LeBron. 2. The Cavaliers Organization: Dan Gilbert emptied his wallet for this team and gave LeBron a better supporting cast each year. Not only that, but they built a fantastic practice facility for the Cavs which is one of the finest. The names this franchise has brought in for LeBron are endless: Larry Hughes, Eric Snow, Donyell Marshall, Wally Szczerbiack, Delonte West, Shaq, Antawn Jamison, Ben Wallace, Mo Williams, Joe Smith, etc.... He wants to be on a team that is aware of the situation at hand and is willing to act on impulse if it feels it can be better for the team. 3. The Future: Does LeBron want to leave Cleveland knowing he never won a title for them? Leave unfinished business out there to never be fulfilled? He didn't waste 7 seasons in Cleveland to make such a somber exit. 4: The Most Important Reason: His final home game will not be a 32 point loss. What a terrible way to go out of a city that loved you even during the bad times. Is that really how he wants to remember his final home game in Cleveland? 7 years in the making leading up, not to a championship for Cleveland, but to this? A 32 point blowout at home? There's no other way to put it. He's as big of a star as he is now. Just look at the mass media. How much bigger of a star can he really be if he goes to New York? And what do we do with that big poster of him across the street from the Q? And does he really want to go to Chicago and, rather than continue his own legacy, follow in the steps of MJ and always be second fiddle to him in that city? Also, Cav fans are very loyal to LeBron. A bad game and fans still believe. If he goes to New York, a playoff performance like this could ruin his reputation even more. Maybe everyone's being reactionary because of the way the playoffs ended so soon and in such manner, but I still remain confident that since he has unfinished business, he will return.
  20. It's fake. Some desperate Knicks or Bulls fan must've made it.
  21. http://www.break.com/index/we-are-lebron-video.html this works, sorry
  22. http://www.break.com/index/we-are-lebron-video.html
  23. http://sports.espn.go.com/nba/news/story?id=5189101
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