Definitely enjoy the maps, but I'm not sure if it's just because it's a change of pace or because they're actually good. I guess I'll post my thoughts below. Garrotte - Definitely the smallest of all the maps. Lots of fun for CTF simply because of how fast paced it is. Only downside is when you play against a team who knows what they're doing, as things will get pretty ugly. Shutout - Remake of the infamous Halo 2 map Lockout. Just not feeling how it plays with Halo 4 thought. All the games seemed to take almost all of the allotted time due to the teams patrolling the snipe and BR towers. I just don't think it's right for Halo 4. Despair - Played KoTH on it mostly and man, for whatever the hill was messed up. It stayed top mid for three consecutive times before it finally rotated to the side. Guessing there is a problem with that, which I would imagine is an easy fix. Lots of power weapons too. Scythe - Haven't gotten to play it yet, but every time it did appear SWAT was the gametype for it, so I guess not many people liked it. Simplex - Easily the favorite of the five in rotation. It's SO perfect for CTF.