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Everything posted by Warren2ThaG

  1. Can't mess with the Mariners, Felix will sweep um
  2. i bet there are basketball players in the world that are better then Kobe and MJ just not known
  3. Don't know what to expect at all, we need big time bench play. Especially Blake and Barnes
  4. they want a 7 game series to bring tha drama to a maximum level
  5. It's serious but will tough it out, I hope he's tough enough to go all the way
  6. Rate means nothing, it's just an excuse at the moment really. We all know Kobe will finish this game for the win.
  7. Paul can do wtvr he wants, Kobe will finish the game with the win wimp/
  8. I know what the score will be... watch this. Lakers - 104 Hornets - 97
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