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Everything posted by Warren2ThaG

  1. With all the players at the 2-3. Wesley Matthews Brandon Roy Gerald Wallace Nicolas Batum
  2. better to trade him and get Green though, Perkins would have lef ton his own
  3. Turiaf / Douglas / Azubuike and maybe a big deal with Camby n Rudy Fernandez
  4. He'll sign it hun don't worry. Maverick Menthol cigarettes are 4.99 here btw
  5. Just saying, Injured Portland has them by the nuts and will go down to the wire.
  6. Not a chance, but stop ignoring Portland in the West. They might beat OKC in a division title.
  7. maybe they get Rudy Fernandez next
  8. How far will they get this year? past the 2nd round?
  9. i dont even care if we win by 30, no biggie hun
  10. My main guy, give him minutes someone and he'll shine so bright!
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