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Everything posted by Warren2ThaG

  1. Harris Matthews Batum Aldridge Camby --------- Mills Roy Fernandez(or traded) Cunningham Murphy Portland should try for OJ Mayo or Jeff Foster after Harris deal
  2. When he gets his chance/minutes, can he be really good? Spurs seems to know their stuff...
  3. why doesn't Phil play Joe Smith then? Smith is hella decent
  4. Just stop it baby! Don't push it 2 tha limit hun.
  5. Not everyone has the same brain nor learning sequence or ability.
  6. http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_npCa0ZKo4i8/SiBpOE2HqfI/AAAAAAAAAb0/ZTtsKFRBtec/s400/city_island.jpg 7.7/10 very funny
  7. any1 know any free malware or virus removers from download.com ? i have Malware bytes anti malware at the moment
  8. They worked well in Boston and made them that much betta
  9. 11 1/2 and 12 are both fine for me... and I'm 6'0. you can add in your height too
  10. Yah i remember JO and Garnett, Kidd for some. I thought we were gonna draft George Hill : (
  11. Oden doesn't belong in a fast offense, but maybe off the bench with a slower pace.
  12. Took a hot shower alone to relax my mind, I was there alone... Kept the light on too. Wiped my body all over with matterhorn old spice body gel, felt so good on me.
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