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Everything posted by Warren2ThaG

  1. Don't worry we won't abuse it, sexy cutie pie beauty.
  2. I'd rather have style than be so explosive. Both something LBJ and Griffin lack.
  3. = better then Super Bowl halftime show......
  4. http://www.oregonlive.com/blazers/index.ssf/2011/02/trail_blazers_center_marcus_ca_2.html
  5. btw, tha 360 by Griffin was barely a 360 lol
  6. Too bad McGee could have dunked over a truck unlike Griffin but no he is not allowed to says Stern.
  7. yes, its like comparing tupac to lil wayne, they still pick lil wayne
  8. the front is barely tall wtf, hood wtf? cmon now
  9. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qFMsbU7R6C8
  10. All he needs is minutes to build his confidence, well he has major confidence.
  11. If LBJ is a superstar so is Durant, sorry it's the truth. LBJ is really overrated, lemme drive to the hole and just bump into someone! cmon now, show some skill baby.
  12. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6yn_5wwvt0U
  13. Well, who do you think it is? Don't worry you are not gay either way.
  14. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DKzsVz_LeQo
  15. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AxlB6lMPHU0
  16. ^^^ ur right ---- http://dimemag.com/2011/02/nba-trade-rumor-devin-harris-to-portland-for-andre-miller/
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